Show HN: I scrape Steam data every month and it's yours to download for free

161 points by csmets 7 days ago

Yeah, there's AI, but I added it because I found it easier to find answers I'm looking for. For the data scientists, you can download the CSV and go crazy. Would love to know what discoveries or learnings can be found from it.

To download the raw scraped data you need to become a paid member but you don't really need it unless you're wanting to finesse a table of data for a particular need. The cost is mostly just an incentive to help me pay the bills for running the website.

The bunch of available CSV files contain large amounts of data which has everything from tags, genres, pricing, wishlists, estimated revenue, etc. It's what the AI is reading from.

Hope you find it useful :-)

Apreche 6 days ago

Do you have data that doesn’t have?

  • noirscape 6 days ago

    Steamdb lacks an API for one, and the devs officially have a policy that they'll never make one, saying you should just scrape Steam directly instead of bugging them about it[0].

    It means that steamdb, while extraordinarily useful for casual prodding at what's stored on Valve's servers, isn't very good if you want to run data analysis or something like that on the metadata of Steam games at scale.

    Not sure if it's legal to charge for the raw scrape when OP doesn't seem to be affiliated with Valve, but that's not up to me to figure out.


    • seanw444 6 days ago

      This whole time I was under the impression that SteamDB was owned by Valve. Huh.

    • joseda-hg 6 days ago

      That seems pretty reasonable, it's their data, they just make useful visualizations

m00dy 6 days ago

If you need to be a paid member to download csv file, then it is not free :) lol

  • nickthegreek 6 days ago

    free tier allows you to download the csv.

  • xerox13ster 6 days ago

    If you need to make an account and give this guy personal information (a digital commodity like oil) to see the data it's not free lmao

    • stronglikedan 6 days ago

      > If you need to make an account and give this guy personal information

      In this case, you don't. That's just to weed out people who can't figure out temporary emails. I just used one to create an account without turning over any PI.

      • xerox13ster 6 days ago

        > If you need to make an account

        >In this case, you don't.

        >I just used one to create an account

        Strange. Tell me, do you often struggle with such basic logic and reading comprehension?

        • antasvara 6 days ago

          Is your issue actually with "creating an account," or is it with "giving up your personal information?" Because as the commenter indicated, you can create an account on this site without giving up any personal information.

          So while you're "correct" in the sense that you do need an account, it seems that the meat of your point (giving up personal data) has been addressed.

kmfrk 6 days ago

I got some answers that weren't specifically about my questions in some instances. As someone who's just trying out the free demo, it's not a big deal, but maybe you can provide a way to flag answers for to redeem their credits? It would probably increase retention and help people chase down bugs.

ghfhghg 6 days ago

I guess the main differentiator over steamdb is getting the data in CSV?

Might be good to clarify in the FAQ because the people I know who would pay for this are not the most techy types.

ddxv 6 days ago

Hi, I'm interested in scraping steam too. Do you have the scraper code available open source or one you recommend?

  • lolinder 6 days ago

    Have you looked over the data that OP is providing here and determined that it doesn't meet your needs?

    Generally it's polite to avoid scraping if you can help it, so I'd start by considering whether OP is already providing what you are looking for.

    • DrammBA 6 days ago

      On the other hand you need to be a paid member to download the raw scraped data, so it isn't unreasonable to want to learn how to scrape it instead.

      • schnebbau 6 days ago

        Good idea, let's save $5 and sink dozens of hours into building our own instead

        • DrammBA 6 days ago

          Isn't that the hacker spirit, wanting to put things together yourself? Let's revisit the comment that started this thread:

          > Hi, I'm interested in scraping steam too.

          • schnebbau 6 days ago

            I was responding directly to your objection with having to pay for it as the reason to do this, not hacking for the sake of hacking.

            • diggan 6 days ago

              Hacking for the sake of hacking VS hacking for the sake of saving money, why does it matter?

              • schnebbau 6 days ago

                Jesus Christ, it's 5 bucks. 5 bucks is not a reason to roll your own version.

                Roll your own version because you want to roll your own version, not to save 5 bucks.

                • nickthegreek 6 days ago

                  Its not $5. It is free or $5/month. The reason OP wants to scrape doesnt matter. His question was reasonable to ask here and could lead to finding out about some open source projects. You have not added anything to the conversation besides being wrong about the price.

                • DrammBA 6 days ago

                  you seem to be really hung up on the 5 bucks while at the same time being angry that people are hung up on the 5 bucks, it's just 5 bucks man, if people want to pay it or not doesn't matter, let people hack it away if they want

        • matly 6 days ago

          Let's expand our own skillset by investing time instead of money (paying someone else). Sounds like a reasonable proposition to me.

  • netruk44 6 days ago

    I wrote a simple scraper for a 'steam game semantic search' app I built a while ago.

    It definitely won't fetch all the data that this person does though. It only fetches the current list of games on Steam, their store page information and some reviews for the game.

    The code quality probably isn't amazing, but it might give you an idea of how to get started with your own scraper.

    • ddxv 6 days ago

      Thanks! That's perfect, just want somewhere to get started.

z3c0 6 days ago

I had to refresh before posting, because I wanted to see if someone else beat me to being that HN commenter but...

From the Terms of Service (emphasis mine):

6. Restrictions on Use

You agree not to:

    Use the Service for any unlawful purpose.

    Attempt to reverse-engineer, modify, or *create derivative works of the Service.*

    Share, resell, or distribute downloadable data provided by the Service without explicit written permission.
Do you intend to delineate the data provided by the service from "the Service" itself? It seems most fair that data received via Fair Use remains in that arena, pun fully intended.

That aside, it's an intriguing dataset nonetheless, but I'd prefer to see a sample of the data before signing up.

  • csmets 6 days ago

    Thank you for highlighting this. I've updated the terms to align with the values of this service.

  • akudha 6 days ago displays graphs etc. Is that considered a “derivative work”?

    I am not sure what is considered derivative work and what isn’t

    • z3c0 6 days ago

      IANAL but I am someone who deals heavily in 1) scraping and 2) data and the analysis, enrichment & brokerage thereof. As such, I like to consult this for anything regarding US Copyright law:

      Circular 14 addresses derivative works, including those based on data: is a derivative work, yes. And scraping is usually accepted as Fair Use, so both services are presumably within their rights, but they have no claim to the underlying data, only their process of enrichment. If someone were to build a new service based on the data presented on either site, there's not much they could do to stop them... short of getting them to agree not to do so via their ToS.

      OpenAI is a great example of a company who built a derivative work on scraped data available under Fair Use, and then subsequently gated their data via their ToS. With such a popular precedent at play, I'd rather not use any services doing anything similar, especially when doesn't even have a ToS.

      • akudha 6 days ago

        Thank you. Does this still hold good if steamdb was making money (ads, for example)?

        Also, I am wary of using big companies like OpenAI as precedent. Big companies can do whatever they want and get away with a lot of stuff that individuals and smaller companies can only dream of

        • z3c0 6 days ago

          Yes, within some limits, but if one were to set up a business like that, it's a very good idea to seek out a consultation from a local copyright lawyer to know exactly what one can and can't get away with. Datasets are addressed as a "collective work", which lumps them in with everything ranging from art books, to hackernews, to scientific journals.

          Personally, I wouldn't sell anything I gathered from a publicly available source anyways, mostly out of principle, but doubly so if that source is as well-paid as Valve.

          • gopher_space 6 days ago

            > Personally, I wouldn't sell anything I gathered from a publicly available source anyways, mostly out of principle, but doubly so if that source is as well-paid as Valve.

            Market reports are an entire industry, and people pay for them solely to avoid ingesting a tangential domain. It's ok to sell your transformations.

            My advice is free, my custom tooling is dirt cheap with public examples, and my finished product costs money every month. It's basically price tiers based on your interest level.

  • JadoJodo 6 days ago

    At a glance, it appears the product is the “chat with the data" feature; The CSV is free.

    • z3c0 6 days ago

      I might be inclined to seek the raw data, should it be more cost effective than scraping Steam myself.

      Being a user, free, paid, or anonymous, can still be under the thumb of their ToS, especially so if they force a dialog in front of you to agree to the ToS while signing up. I'm merely pointing out hurdles to the OP that may obstruct some of the people they are trying to reach.

    • DrammBA 6 days ago

      What I don't understand is the difference between 'Download all CSV data' in the free tier and 'Download CSV data' / 'Download raw data' in the paid member tier. It seems that the free CSV data is likely an extract or digest of the raw data offered as a sample.

stared 6 days ago

Regarding Steam data, I am curious about how games are being played (hours spent) and, even more, about their co-occurrence (i.e., player X spent both time on game A and game B). I would love to make a visualization like, but for Steam data.

Also, for deeper insight than sales volumes (e.g., game design, general trends, demographics, types of players), such things would be crucial.


Ksudijaan 6 days ago

It is not that difficult to scrape Steam data using SteamKit, right? I build a website around Steam data a couple of years ago, with a small scraper app which was hourly scraping new updates (using SteamKit) and putting it into my database.

The biggest advantage that SteamDB has, is that it has a ton of historical data. That is not retrievable from the Steam Network, so the only way to have gotten historical data is to start early.

My website is now defunct for a year, but I've kept the scraper running. I now have 7 years of historical data in my database.

eamsen 6 days ago

Can you please provide examples for the raw data? As a user, I would like to know what I'm buying before paying.

bdd8f1df777b 6 days ago

It seems to be missing reviews? I have always thought about building my own recommendation engine from steam data, given how steam's own recommendation never works for me.

aranw 6 days ago

Nice! It would be nice however to see more detail about the data you collect and what exactly you provide on top of it using AI or through aggregation etc

somenameforme 6 days ago

Out of curiosity, what formula did you end up using for reviews:sales? I've looked into this a bunch and it's a very tough problem!

giancarlostoro 6 days ago

> Yeah, there's AI, but I added it because I found it easier to find answers I'm looking for. For the data scientists, you can download the CSV and go crazy.

This is kind of the only way I use AI really, to summarize things, and extract details, then review from the raw sources to make sure the LLM isn't misleading me. I find myself using this approach instead of Googling for things since Google crippled their search the last few years, it feels like every year its harder to find things with Google. I miss 2007 Google...

  • dewey 6 days ago

    Give Kagi a try, it's basically Google before it went to shit.

bitbasher 6 days ago

You use the chat but the credit used isn't updated immediately in the lower left.

bloomingkales 6 days ago

Question for OP, or anyone that considered it:

Do you think Steam reviews are coordinated?

  • bluefirebrand 6 days ago

    I think for basically any possible online discussion, from Facebook to Hacker News to Steam Reviews, you should always keep in mind that some portion of it is probably astroturfed, to some scale

    Anything from a small indie game to a huge AAA title, you can bet that the creators got their friends and family to post some nice reviews early, just to give it that positive bump

    • bloomingkales 6 days ago

      I was specifically alarmed by what looked like review bombing of a indie game. I just can't imagine it. I need to write a small llm plugin that collapses coordinated/astroturfed reviews.

      • bluefirebrand 6 days ago

        The smaller the scale the easier to astroturf, honestly

        If there are only 20 reviews it's pretty easy for one person to review bomb on their own if they want to

        It gets much harder when there are 2 million reviews

  • shagie 6 days ago

    > Do you think Steam reviews are coordinated?

    Yes. It's not even a question. Steam flags outliers too.

    It got review bombed starting on Feb 14th because a different game that the company makes (HOI4) released DLC that upset the sensibilities of part of that player base. ( )


    There are Steam review bots for discord ( ) and that also encourages people who are members of a game's discord to leave a (positive) review.


    It's a certainty that reviews are coordinated through a number of different means.

ryanisnan 6 days ago

I thought this would a stavros post. Thanks for your efforts!

happyopossum 6 days ago

> I scrape Steam data every month and it's yours to download for free

Does not line up with

> To download the raw scraped data you need to become a paid member

Sooo, clickbait or just plain dishonest?

  • antasvara 6 days ago

    A CSV of this data is free to download per the pricing page, whereas the raw data (not sure what that looks like versus the CSV) requires a paid account.

    So I guess it depends if you consider the CSV as fundamentally different from the raw data in a way that makes this clickbait.

  • voodooEntity 6 days ago

    ye clickbait first i saw was pricing. this should be deleted (thread)

thot_experiment 6 days ago

> To download the raw scraped data you need to become a paid member

If I have to pay to download the data how is it mine to download for free?

babuloseo 6 days ago

looking into this thank you.

rapfaria 6 days ago

Do the HN crowd read "for free" on the title, click it, scan the page in a milisecond, see "Pricing" on the top, and come back to complain in the comments? Geez

  • gloosx 6 days ago

    There is a hope I would see just a single bold FREE when I click pricing still, so I check it first before complaining.

    And yes, "for free" means free as in the air you breathe for free. Anything else falls into a "mousetrap free" category.

  • satiric 6 days ago

    Yes, it's disingenuous. Free means $0.00.