lolc a day ago

You can look at the transcribed Linear Elam corpus at

By enabling phonetic replacement, you can read the text of these old fragments of human writing:

The site grew out of an independent effort to decipher Linear Elam but these days we pretty much track what Desset is publishing. The glyphs are mapped in the Unicode private use range and strings can be copied into text documents as long as you use the provided fonts.

  • yannis a day ago

    Thanks for the links. I found it interesting that the site was programmed using Elm; was there any particular reason for this? Also a comment on the fonts. Although I understand it is easier to combine the fonts to include a Latin script, I prefer the Google fonts approach that they only include the specific Unicode slots for a certain script. This make it easier for publications to have consistent typography, although is a hassle to an extend. What program do researchers in the field normally use for papers? I use LuaLaTeX and easy to map macros to print the right glyph.

    • lolc a day ago

      Regarding Elm: At the time it worked very well for our use case. It still builds fine, but now it doesn't look like Elm is viable long term.

      As for the font: The font pack did include an unmerged font with just the glyphs. I'm not clear why that isn't included anymore. But to make it easy to publish, I'd create merged fonts of the desired typefaces, so the editing is smooth. It's just that most font licenses do not allow publishing derivatives.

      Why would you want to set up macros when you can just copy the chars into the doc? There are many sign variants and there are no established names for these glyphs. It really helps to just see the sign instead some macro name.

      The state of the art for researchers in this field is copying image files for each glyph into their docs. It is that bad. So being able to work with Unicode strings is a huge improvement.

      • yannis a day ago

        Thanks. Yes copying Unicode strings is a common practice and I use it for some of the scripts I am writing about. I am busy with a write-up that spans almost all known scripts, for some scripts macros work better for me as I can type \LE{180} and get the glyph No. 180 and \LE[2]{180} to get variant 2 etc., and the star version \LE*{..} can do something else.

        • lolc 11 hours ago

          Ah yes the merged fonts can get unwieldy when you want to use multiple scripts in the same doc.

canjobear 2 days ago

The academic paper is here

It looks convincing to me. It's exactly the same method used to decipher cuneiform, starting with proper names in certain inscriptions and then figuring out the content of other inscriptions somewhat like a crossword puzzle. The fact that one of the tablets turns out to record the syllabary in order is especially compelling.

  • lolc a day ago

    Funny anecdote from a friend who worked with Linear Elam and was very skeptical of the Desset proposal: When he applied the proposed decipherment to a short inscription on a pot, it read "God condemns who takes this vase", freely translated :-)

    Earlier proposals had swathes of special cases to account for inconsistencies. They were not credible. This one works!

msravi 2 days ago

Related; A cryptanalytic decipherment of the Indus Script

  • acheron 2 days ago

    To be clear to others, that guy is a crank. There is no accepted decipherment of Indus Valley writing.

    • empath75 a day ago

      To be even more clear, it's Hindu nationalist propaganda, and not a serious academic paper, and there's a reason it was never published in a reputable journal.

dieselerator 2 days ago

The article was interesting.

Can someone explain:

Why is it called "linear" Elamite?

Is there unicode for linear Elamite yet?

IncreasePosts a day ago

Why can't I find any reference to the 11th century Arabic book "The Book of Mad Desire for the Knowledge of Written Symbols" referenced in the article?

selimthegrim 2 days ago

No mention of the hypothesis about Dravidian being descended from Elamite?

  • cbzbc 2 days ago

    Why? It's a fairly fringe theory with very little linguistic support.