bsimpson 8 hours ago

It's obnoxious that you have to go through this to install software on a device that you own.

> You can't easily change the region on your Apple ID, and you probably don't want to do that anyway. But you can create a secondary Apple ID for use only while your device thinks that it's in the EU.

This seems to be the most important bit. You need to not only physically be in the EU, but have your account be under EU jurisdiction (both from Apple's POV).

I know that people create throwaway gmail accounts for things, but I suspect in the TOS somewhere it has you assert that this is your one personal account, and those policy handcuffs get tighter with things like phone number based 2FA. Not only do you have to go through all these technological shenanigans, but there's always the risk that the provider (Apple) ensnares both your accounts in some antifraud scheme and closes them.