querez a day ago

It isn't obvious at a first glance, but this is a fork of ocis (i.e., ownCloud's Go rewrite). It is hosted on Github(https://github.com/opencloud-eu/opencloud). They don't really provide any info on how/what is different from ocis that I could find.

amarcheschi a day ago

My university uses SharePoint to upload course classes material, and it's slow and buggy as fuck. Every minute spent using SharePoint, I'd rather it be spent in being kicked in the balls. Every interaction I have with SharePoint is frustrating, it's one of the worst thing that happened to my life and I was happy before this software.

(/s, but not too much)

  • fetzu a day ago

    You just wait until the day you are going to have to use SAP. SharePoint is going to end up feeling like a cool summer breeze!

  • zigglezaggle a day ago

    Honestly it's a bit of a shame because there's so many little things that SharePoint does right that I immediately miss when going to another product. Lists alone, much less the combined portfolio of Lists + Pages + Power automate is such an amazing power user combination that I can't find a viable replacement for in GSuite/Atlassian/virtually anywhere else. It really is too bad that the core Document Libraries module is so lacking in performance.

asdajksah2123 a day ago

Any reason to choose this over OwnCloud or Nextcloud?

  • Larrikin a day ago

    I'd be curious to hear from anyone that uses Nextcloud and it's actually functional instead of being so slow that it is unusable. I've never had success getting it running

    • willyt a day ago

      Been running nextcloud on a raspberry pi 4 on prem for a very small business <5 users for about 3-4 years ish. It’s faster than most clouds because it’s local. I’ve had very little trouble with it. Don’t tend to use much the features apart from files sync though.

    • electric_mayhem a day ago

      Been running it for years

      It just works and always has

      • Larrikin a day ago

        How did you set it up and how do you run it? What are the specs of the machine you run it on. I've tried setting it up a few times, because it looks exactly like a project I'd want to self host, but its just been unusable.

        • dugite-code a day ago

          I used to run it on a 4 core Celeron NUC with a measly 8 gig of ram and 1 TB SSD via the community fpm container: https://github.com/nextcloud/docker I now run it on a much more powerful system but performance wise it's the same.

          Side containers DB: I use postgres Redis: https://github.com/dragonflydb/dragonfly as the redis container Image processing: imaginary container maintained by the Nextcloud team

          Most of this is available in the AIO setup but I prefer manually tuning things for my system

          As it's a __big__ SAS product to run it well on lower end systems you MUST:

          - Tune your PHP settings to your system.

          - Tune your DB settings

          - Set up caching properly

          - Offload as much processing as possible to background processes (e.g. preview generation)

          Probably tune your Proxy settings as well.

          Big changes I've made:

          - Switch logging to error only and syslog (not the normal file on disk) as it can hammer single disk systems.

          - Switch to unix sockets for redis and the database for quite a performance boost.

          • doubled112 a day ago

            I’ve never done much in the way of tuning Nextcloud, but I do enable APCu and Redis. I also ditched MariaDB years ago and moved to PostgreSQL.

            It definitely isn’t so slow it is unusable, limited to 2 cores of an Intel N95 CPU and 2GB RAM.

            I have often wonder if some apps drag the whole thing down because my experience doesn’t seem to be universal. That dashboard thing had to go, and the talk app was never something I was interested in either.

            I’ve been running it since it was OwnCloud and never really have upgrade issues either. YMMV.

chrisweekly a day ago

> "Just a few weeks after the operational launch of OpenCloud GmbH, the first full, installable release of OpenCloud is now available. OpenCloud is a modern open-source solution for file management, file sharing and content collaboration, serving as a high-performance, GDPR-compliant alternative to proprietary solutions such as Microsoft SharePoint, Google Drive or Dropbox. With an innovative cloud-native architecture and licensing under Apache 2.0 and AGPL-3.0, OpenCloud offers a future-proof, transparent, and digital sovereign solution for IT infrastructures in Europe. OpenCloud is developed in the programming language Go, offering high performance and scalability."