guywithahat 15 hours ago

While I believe there are farmers among the groups, this seems to primarily be pushed by NYC-based climate politics law firms, which I didn't know was a thing until I read this article. There aren't a bunch of farmers in Iowa who are upset about this, at least as far as the article mentions

  • pxmpxm 9 hours ago

    There's a pretty large network of third-generation-never-had-to-work "philantropy" people that fund these sorts of pet left wing projects. See Tides foundation etc.

janalsncm 15 hours ago

The article doesn’t mention it, so I will ask: what is the data which farmers need, and how do they use that data? I could imagine some info about rainfall, heat and sun being useful but I am curious how the typical farmer applies this information.

adfm 13 hours ago

""" ... the impact of the extraction of fossil fuels (gas, coal and oil) and fugitive emissions accounts for 34% of anthropogenic methane. In comparison, methane from livestock farming accounts for 27% and landfills for 23%. The remaining share of methane of anthropogenic origin (16%) comes from other agricultural activities.[^1] """
