drawkward 9 hours ago

What was that about free markets, Jeff?

  • halJordan 8 hours ago

    Wapo is storied and all but i honestly wonder how you guys could collectively forget newspapers during the gilged age. I'm not saying it's good or bad just that the pseudo umbrage is misplaced

    • drawkward 4 hours ago

      Alternate take: the gilded age was bad for most people, and we dont want to go back.

manishsharan 8 hours ago

Well Washington Times is free !

Maybe Washington Post could also be made free well. Every good journalist worth following will be on substack; there is nothing of value left in the Post and hence it should be free.

glass_door 5 hours ago

Good to hear. Previously it was a screeching mess of crazy Communists.

Now the news will be more libertarian, I see this as an absolute win.

The current 'journalists' will need to find a new grift. It's time to actually hire some real journalists