A couple of years back, I was working at Mojang (makers of Minecraft).
We got purchased by Microsoft, which of course meant we had to at least try to migrate away from AWS to Azure. On the surface, it made sense: our AWS bill was pretty steep, iirc into the 6 figures monthly, we could have Azure for free*.
Fast forward about a year, and an uncountable amount of hours spent by both my team, and Azure solutions specialists, kindly lent to us by the Azure org itself, we all agreed the six figure bill to one of corporate daddy's largest competitors would have to stay!
I've written off Azure as a viable cloud provider since then. I've always thought I would have to revaluate that stance sooner or later. Wouldn't be the first time I was wrong!
Your story reminds me of when Microsoft acquired Hotmail in the '90s and they tried migrating from FreeBSD & Solaris onto Windows NT/IIS. Having the world's largest email service running on the Windows stack would have been a huge endorsement. It took years until they were successful.
Windows 2000 server was peak windows. All the subsequent versions just got harder to maintain as they gradually ruined the user interface. Nobody cares about the UI on consumer windows but if you’re spending a lot of time in RDP the vista based server products are terrible.
I don’t hate windows 2019 but Linux is better, easier, faster and a relief after any futile attempts to use IIS or sql server in 2025.
windows xp x64 edition was pretty slick; and so was NT4. I agree that 2000 was pretty cool, but perhaps a lot of that is design nostalgia. It was very "serious business OS" where XP and Me looked like jellybeans and cartoons. My favorite windows, though, is win 7 ultimate, Steve Ballmer Edition. i was sad when i had to upgrade to winten.
I get the nostalgia for XP, it was the first windows consumer edition that didn’t suck, but for a server OS 2000 was so lean and easy to manage it makes me wonder how MS lost to Linux. Back then, it was a genuine competition, now you’d have to be crazy to choose windows to deploy anything.
I dunno how to compare stable to stable but I ran Win2k for so long that I got bored with it (something like 5-7 years) and never experienced a single crash. This is coming from a Linux guy btw… so I’m no Microsoft fanboy, just saying, it was as stable as any other stable OS.
I saw years of uptime on those systems whereas Win2000 iirc needed a reboot for every single update of the OS, and even for applications like IIS or Exchange.
Compared to NT4 it was probably very stable, since I remember telling most clients to just shut it down Friday evening and boot it Monday morning cause the pre-SP4 NT4 could not stay up more than three weeks.
Compare that to AS/400, where we pushed updates all over the country, without warning clients, to system running in hospitals, and there never was even the slightest problem. It sounds irresponsible to do that today, but those updates just worked, all the time and all applications continued to work.
SQL Server is really Sybase tho, which was always capable of running on UNIX.
Can't say much more, but I worked on a huge (internal) Sybase ASE on Linux based app (you've _all_ bought products administered on this app ;) ) way back (yes, pre-SSD, multi path fiber I/O to get things fast, failover etc.) and T-SQL is really nice, as is/was ASE and the replication server. Been about 20 years tho, so who knows.
SQL Server uses NT and Win32 APIs, so the SQL team built a platform independent layer. Meaning NT and Win32 is still used by SQL on Linux. It’s pretty cool tech.
I worked with SQL Server a bit, writing a Rust client for it back in the days. The manual is really good, explaining the protocol clearly. That made it really easy to write a client for it.
The 90s were the dark ages of cloud computing. It was the age of system administrator, desktop apps, Usenet, and the start of the internet as a public service. At the time concepts such as infrastructure as code, cloud, and continuous deployment, were unheard of.
AWS, which today we take for granted, was launched on 2002, and back then it started as a way to monetize Amazon's existing shared IT platform.
Of course migrating anything back then was a world of pain, specially when it's servers running on different OSes. It's like the rewrite from hell, that can even cover the OS layer. Of course it takes years.
Of course. Why would you expect anything but? Pride is actually a very good driver of change if you ask me because people often do their best work when they are proud of what they are building.
The tone and content of this document is shockingly candid and frank. I think it did a ton to make Windows Server a better product. I have a lot of respect for the people at MSFT who reviewed the company's own product in such a critical light.
When I worked at Jet, a shopping website trying to compete with Amazon, we obviously did not want to give money to Amazon, so we used Azure.
For the most part it was just fine, until we started using CosmosDB (then called DocumentDB).
DocumentDB, in its first incarnation, was utterly terrible. The pricing was extremely hard to predict, so we would end up with ridiculous bills at the end of the week, the provided .NET SDK for it was buggy and horrible, but the very worst part was the WebUI appeared to be directly tied to your particular instance of CosmosDB.
Why is this bad? Because if you under-provisioned stuff for your database, it might start going slow, and it would actually lag the web interface you would use to increase the resources! We got into situations where we had to turn off the entire application, just to bump up the resources for Cosmos. It felt like it was a complete amateur hour from Microsoft.
My understanding is that Cosmos has gotten a lot better, but man that left a sour taste in my mouth. If I end up getting some free credits or something, maybe I'll give Azure another go but I would definitely not recommend it right now.
> My understanding is that Cosmos has gotten a lot better, but man that left a sour taste in my mouth.
A couple of years ago I stumbled upon a Azure project which started off using the old timey Cosmos DB. Looking at the repository history from those days, I saw a bunch of Entity Framework configurations and navigations and arcane wizardry that would take an engineer months to really figure out.
Then there was an update to CosmosSDK, and all that EF noise was replaced by single CRUD operations that took the unserialized object, id and partition key as input. That's it.
Worlds of difference, and a simple key-value query takes ~10ms to do.
> Because if you under-provisioned stuff for your database, it might start going slow, and it would actually lag the web interface you would use to increase the resources!
What the ever loving heck... seriously?! Why wouldn't this be a control plane API that reconfigures a data plane?!
I think it was querying the database to get usage information, and it was blocking the loading of the page as a result. It's been a few years, but if I recall correctly, the .NET API for changing the database provisioning did work, so some people would hack up a quick script to change resources in an emergency.
I think they did fix it eventually, because I know that multiple people on my team complained to Microsoft about it. Very short-sighted decision on their end, but to be fair it was a brand new product.
What's so surprising about that? If your CRUD operations take longer to do, and you're doing those to drive a GUI, of course the GUI will lumber along.
You've got me curious: what was the single biggest barrier to migration, if you're able to disclose it? I'm guessing it was something proprietary to AWS, like how they handle serverless or something that couldn't translate over directly, but I'm always eager to learn why a migration from X to Y didn't work.
This is a couple of years ago, so I fully expect most of the issues we had back then to be fixed by now, but it was definitely Azure that was the problem.
We wanted to use their hosted kubernetes solution(I forget the name) and pods would just randomly lose connection to eachother, everything network related was just ridiculously unstable. Host machines would report their status as healthy, but then be unable to start any pods, making scaling out the cluster unreliable. I also remember a colleague I regarded as a bit of a wizard being very frustrated with cosmosdb, but I cannot for the life of me remember what the specific issue was.
Our solution was actually quite well written, if I do say so myself, we had designed it to be cloud agnostic, just on the off chance that something like this would happen (there may have been rumours this acquisition would happen ahead of time).
But Azure was just utterly unable to deliver on anything they promised, thus the write-off on my part.
Ohh, AKS. I had the 'pleasure' of using it quite early on, 5/6 years ago. We kept killing it by actually using it with more than 50 pods. You know you see one of few serious users when you get through the 3 layers of support and gets to talk to the actual developers in the US.
But my impression is that it's better now. In general my experience with azure is that the base services, those who see millions of hours in use, are stable. Think VMs, storage, queue etc. But the higher up you go in the stack, the fewer hours of use do they see, and the lower quality it gets.
Pods loosing connection to each other is still very very common in azure.
To see the positive side of it, it’s a Chaos Monkey test for free. Everything you deploy must be hardened with reconnections, something you should be doing anyway.
What’s frustrating is that it happens rarely enough to give the illusion of being stable, making it easy for PM to postpone hardening work, yet often enough to put a noticeable dent in your uptime if you don’t address it. Perfect degree of gaslighting.
> To see the positive side of it, it’s a Chaos Monkey test for free. Everything you deploy must be hardened with reconnections, something you should be doing anyway.
Keep in mind that in Azure it's a must-have, whereas everywhere else it's either a nice-to-have or a sign your system is broken.
Curious about details too. The parent's conclusion is to write off Azure, but I wonder if it's actually AWS or the way they use AWS that makes it hard to migrate.
Or put it in another way, if Mojong were to start with Azure but couldn't manage to migrate to AWS, which provider is the parent going to write off?
My experience has certainly been that AWS is both a) more stable, and b) has more migration resources and guides than the reverse.
It was easier to go to AWS than to Azure; and I've done both in the past ~4 years. Migrating to AWS was just technical work. Migrating to azure was 'fight unexpected bugs and the fact it doesn't actually work in surprising situations'.
The only reason to go to azure was that Microsoft waved a big fat $$$ discount to use their services.
Yup, the hardest part about migrating to Azure was jumping between all the managed services that work everywhere else but are insanely buggy on Azure. We ended up with the most basic architecture you can imagine (other than AKS, which works great as long as you don't use any plugins) and we're still running into issues.
We have a very long list of Azure features and services that we've banned people from using.
Just got off a call with someone at Azure today who told us to setup our own NAT gateway instead of using Azure's because of an outage where we made too many requests and then got our NAT Gateway quota taken away for the next 2 hours.
> Yup, the hardest part about migrating to Azure was jumping between all the managed services that work everywhere else but are insanely buggy on Azure.
Care to point out a concrete example? I've worked with Azure a few years ago and I wouldn't describe it as buggy. At most, I accuse them of not "getting" cloud as well as AWS. For example, the whole concept of a function app is ass-backwards, vs just deploying a Lambda with a specific capacity. That is mainly a reflection of having more years working with AWS, though.
My experience with AWS is the documentation can be bad/wrong, it can be difficult to find stuff, but the actual services are very solid. It does what you tell it to do. Stuff works.
My experience with Azure is that it simply breaks in ridiculous and frankly unacceptable ways, all the time. It's like someone is unplugging network and power cables every couple hours just for fun.
The networking is so, so bad in azure. We ran into all kinds of craziness with simple things that kept kicking us in the nuts like port exhaustion between different subscriptions. I quit my last job partly because they were wedded to azure.
I literally cannot log in to it after it was forcefully migrated to Microsoft. Microsoft doesn't recognize my computer as not-a-bot. Something to do with being Linux, I imagine.
Oof, this won't help you, but I recall sending a very angry email to me new corporate overlord in the Xbox org for blocking me from using their web services if my user agent said Linux.
This was during the "Microsoft <3 Linux" campaign, and I think I cited that and then told em Minecraft would not be able to move forward with Xbox account migration until they stopped such idiocy.
Since I was the dev tasked with migrating Mojang accounts to Xbox accounts, I felt I had at least SOME credibility to my claim that it was blocking me.
But honestly, modifying my user agent was easy, it just pissed me off.
They did fix that the same day tho, so I guess the believed me!
Moved my Minecraft license to a new Microsoft account as required. Microsoft account was flagged and blocked when I checked a few days after. And that's how I got scammed out of my Minecraft license.
Oh you guys finally managed!? Cool to hear! I guess Azure must've gotten better then, back when I was there, the conclusion was that Azure simply wasn't mature enough to host Minecraft yet.
Again, this is a while ago: I remember when I started we were just starting to replace the old yggdrasil servers with the new micronaut based system which I think is still in use today?
I still remember that application fondly as the best architectured piece of software I've ever worked on. I hope all is well!
> Fast forward about a year, and an uncountable amount of hours spent by both my team, and Azure solutions specialists, kindly lent to us by the Azure org itself, we all agreed the six figure bill to one of corporate daddy's largest competitors would have to stay!
Being tied to AWS and being unable to shake off a huge bill is not a trait of its competitors. It's a trait of AWS, and stresses the importance of not picking them as your cloud provider.
Also, I think it's unbelievable that a monthly 6-figure invoice charged to a company already with cloud engineers in their payroll is not justification enough to shift their workload elsewhere.
Low 6 figures is just a dev. If a team of 5 devs has to work on the problem for 5 years, then it will pay for itself in 25 years. Likely beyond any planning horizon of a company with yearly performance evaluation cycles.
In Europe, even the likes of Amazon pays it's SDEs 70k/year. In Sweden, for example, Microsoft pays it's SDEs south of 800k SEK, which is about 70k dollars/year.
Low 6 figures is an entire team of Microsoft SDEs working full time for a year.
Interesting, because until now I have the same opinion in reverse.
Each case is a special case how everything gets configured, but between Azure, GCP, AWS and IBM clouds, the ones with smoother experience on my case, have been on Azure, based on Java and .NET technologies.
And we also have our share of support tickets across all of them.
Now Azure back in its early days, 2010 - 2016 was kind of ruff, maybe this is the timeframe you're referring to?
Yep, sounds like my experience. Years ago, we migrated of Rackspace to Azure, but the database latency was diabolical. In the end, we got better performance by pointing the Azure web servers to the old database that was still in Rackspace than we did trying to use the database that was supposedly in the same data centre.
I kicked up a stink and we migrated everything to AWS in under a week.
is it because there are features that AWS provides to you that are not available in GCP, or just the fact that setting up exact replicas of processes is hard for migrations like these?
That sounds to my self-hoster ears as an expensive way to do self hosting. Isn't at least half the point of AWS to use their SaaS thingies that all integrate with each other, I think people now call it "cloud native software"?
Not that most of our customers whose AWS environment we audit do much of this, at least not beyond some basics like creating a vlan ("virtual private cloud"), three layers of proxies to "load balance" a traffic volume that my old laptop could handle without moving the load average above 0.2, and some super complex authentication/IAM rules for a handful of roles and service accounts iirc
(The other half of the point is infinite scale, so that you can get infinite customers signing up and using the system at once (which hopefully pay before your infinite AWS bill is due), but you can still do that with VPSes and managed databases/storage.)
The point of moving to AWS is often to benefit from their data centers and reliability promises. So VPC, EC2, IAM, maybe S3 have a clear point.
And one small note: apart from S3, virtually all AWS services are tied to a VPC, any kind of deployment starts with "ok, in what VPC do you want this resource?".
It is an expensive way to do self hosting, yeah! I guess one reason is, sometimes it’s easier to just use one of big N clouds – e.g. if you’re in a regulated industry and your auditors will raise brows if they see a random VPS provider instead. (Or maybe not? If you’re doing that kind of audits I’d love to hear your thoughts!)
> Isn't at least half the point of AWS to use their SaaS thingies
It is. (That’s how they lock you in!) I think it’s okay to use some AWS stuff once in a while, but I’d be wary of building your whole app architecture around AWS.
I’m in the self-hosters camp myself :-) I’m building a Docker dashboard to make it easier to build, ship, and monitor applications on any server: https://lunni.dev/
The is sort of petty, but… your web page does the horrible scroll-and-watch-the-content-fade-in thing. This is annoying and makes me want to stop reading. It also makes me wonder if your product does the same thing, which would be a complete nonstarter. Seriously, if I’m debugging some container issue, I do not want some completely unnecessary animation to prevent me from seeing the dashboard.
I’ve just dropped you a note in the chat. We’re also on Swarm, and dealing with most of the stuff you address, and some more. Would love to contribute to Lunni, if you’re open to that :)
This is GCS implementing the S3 API incorrectly in a way that really ought not to break clients, but it’s still odd because the particular bug on GCS’s end seems like it took active effort to get wrong. But it’s also boto (the main library used in Python to access S3 and compatible services) doing something silly, tripping over GCS’s bug, and failing. And it’s AWS, who owns boto, freely admitting that they don’t intend to fix it, because boto isn’t actually intended to work with services that are merely compatible with S3.
As icing on the cake, to report this bug to Google, I apparently need to pay $29 plus a 3% surcharge on my GCS usage. Thanks.
In my experience (worked for organizations that used everything from on-prem server racks, to Linode to AWS to Azure), complaints about cloud infrastructure are proportional to managed service usage. I rarely hear teams that largely rely on virtual machines (perhaps with a managed RDBMS) complain. They do have to maintain a little extra scripting, but that's a minor inconvenience compared to battling issues and idiosyncrasies of managed services.
I'm sure it's gotten better now but back in 2016 provisioning VMs in Azure took so long that we joked that every time you provision an instance a Microsoft engineer gets in a car to buy the server.
I'm a little confused by this post. Obviously it's easier to maintain a plain VM than managed services. That's why people are paying a lot more money to the cloud providers for managed services, so they don't have to do it themselves. What you're saying is that this is essentially a pointless endeavor? I don't think this statement is entirely uncontroversial, since managed services are the main reason for many companies to migrate to cloud.
Using managed services is not a pointless endeavor – they can save you a lot of time (and therefore money).
Unless you need to switch providers, at which point it may take more time to adjust for differences in how those managed services operate.
Managed services are absolutely not the main reason for moving to the cloud. Companies do it for the flexibility that comes with renting the real estate/energy/hardware instead of owning it.
It's easier for the provider to maintain a VM provision. It's supposed to be easier for the customer to maintain managed services, but that's often debatable.
I wish I could better help my org see that. Luckily my boss agrees with me, but he's not in full control. Between the vendor lock-in, and the _almost but not quite api compatibility_ with OSS... I just dread as more teams adopt it.
Azure's anti competitive conduct is also the reason that AWS stopped lowering prices.
Before 2014 or so, AWS would periodically reduce prices on major services passing on falling technology costs.
Azure didn't like that, so they aligned their prices to AWS's, matching immediately the same discounts on the same service.
This is a form a predatory pricing, because the goal is to kill the incentive for competitors to reduce prices, by denying them market share gains when they do.
That's okay, Microsoft will rename it to something else and completely change the admin UI and APIs next week. It will now be called Dynamics CoPilot OneAI 365 for Business OneCloud.
Of all the paas providers Azure have the worst abstractions and services.
In general I think it’s sad that most buy in to consuming these ”weird” services and that there’s jobs to be had as cloud architects and specialists.
It feeds bad design and loose threads as partners have to be kept relevant.
This is my take on the whole enterprise IT field though!
At my little shop of 30 so developers, we inherited an Azure mess, built abstractions for the services we need in a more ”industry standard” way in our dev tooling, and moved to Hetzner after a couple of years.
A developer here knows no different, basically - our tooling deals with our workflows and service abstractions, and these shouldn’t change just because new provider.
1/10-th of the monthly bill, and money partly spent on building the best DX one can imagine.
Great trade-off, IMO!
Only two cases come to mind for using big cloud:
- really small scale: mvp style
- massive global distribution with elasticity requirements.
Two outliers looking at the vast majority of companies out there.
I believe any Azure user might be able to compile their 100 reasons to not use Azure, and the same will be true for most big pieces of software.
Even as someone that had minimal exposure to other clouds, I could easily see how Azure user experience lags due to the lack of proper care.
The amount of pages with a filter bar that will not work properly until you remember to click the load more should clearly be zero at this point, this is an objectively bad pattern that existed for years and should be "easy" to fix. But the issue will probably never be prioritized.
The fact is that unless tackling those issues are part of the organization core values or that they are clearly hitting their revenue stream, they won't be fixed. Publicity and visibility of those issues will always be crucial for the community of users.
I work in both AWS and Azure and let me tell you, one thing I absolutely love about Azure is their portal. It’s like AWS 2.0 where all the cloud cruft is abstracted away and all that is left is the knobs you actually need to turn, and how they relate to one another.
I love me some AWS, but my god every time I have to dive into an unfamiliar environment and try and reverse engineer how everything connects - I need a drink afterwards.
I’m having a really hard time believing you are serious. The one time I tried out azure for a few days the portal was absolutely painful. Every click would take 5-10 seconds for a response. Sometimes basic settings change actions would take 2+ minutes of watching an Ajax spinner. How can anyone enjoy working like that???
Sure, the UI is sluggish, but at least you don't have to move through three different "services" to find the routing table that your VM is using.
AWS UIs are generally snappy and smartly designed individually, but they are horrendously organized at the general level. AWS is built as if you are exploring a relational DB containing your resources, instead of a deployment tree.
Your VM doesn't have a NIC in AWS, it has a foreign key to your entire VPC's NIC table, which lives in the VPC service, not the EC2 service. And then your NIC doesn't have an associated subnet, it has a foreign key to the subnet. And then when you get to the subnet table, you look up the routing tables table, and finally in the routing tables table, you'll find the settings for the routing table. This all works through following links, but the constant context switching and tabs upon tabs that AWS UI requires are extremely unpleasant for me at least to use. I'll take Azure's sluggish UI that organizes all of this in one-two pages instead of four any day.
AWS pages are built by different teams, and it shows. We're all supposed to use IAC though, right?
In all seriousness, even in the face of IAC, the one thing Azure can do that AWS can't [at the time this happened to me], is have a global view of everything that's running right now and costing me money. It was years back, it was a $5 bill, but the principle of it had me livid. I did my best to tear down everything after my evaluation, yet something was squirreled away costing money.
So yeah, absolutely, sluggish UI all the way (I also find the Amazon storefront profoundly ugly and disorganized).
I think OP is trying to differentiate between Azure APIs, which are unbelievably slow and horrible, and the UI design itself - the layout, the font, how one screen will flow to another screen, what links to what, how it would be laid out in a tool like Figma.
Azure's APIs are atrociously slow. Azure's UI design is pretty nice. There's not much the UI designers can do about their API colleagues.
I know we're talking about AWS and Azure here, but had to add that fwiw, the M365 admin interface(s) are so bad it practically feels like a prank. In other words, it's as though someone is purposely making them as chaotic as possible to what end I can't even guess.
I think it was the InTune interface I was in the other day that had the same link underneath 4 different sections of the dashboard, which I noticed when I had all 4 of them expanded at once? That got a good laugh out of me.
"Here...don't miss this settings page! Seriously! Look!"
Not familiar with the product. The MS name alone would make me biased. Is it really good or even better in some way? Or did you just slightly ironically mean they did not manage to make it worse than competing products?
This comment reads like rage bait (I am not saying your opinion is "invalid" or you're lying). I've never meant anyone who likes the Azure portal lol, even people who live inside of the Azure ecosystem hour by hour.
The Azure portal has some nice ideas - in theory, being able to divide stuff into "resource groups" works a lot better than the AWS approach of "divide resources that should be isolated from each other into separate sub-accounts".
In practise, even the good ideas are implemented poorly.
That would have been nice, AWS kept sending me bills for $0.00, and after multiple tickets over a couple years, I finally deleted my entire account due to how pathetic their support was (they never figured out which service was active, and I couldn't find a way to figure it out using their UI).
AWS is actually great once you spend few dozen hours in the service. If you are using the service for the first time GCP feels a lot smoother but then you begin to see corner cases and everything and GCP just breaks in those. Azure is bad the first time and gets worse over time.
My experience too, I could never find anything even if I know it's there, and I was told by my boss to use it. I stand there for a half hour, credit card in hand, then go to AWS where the equivalent can be located by mortals. It's like they don't want anyone's business.
Sometimes I create a webservice for fun in a single PHP file, using PDO to connect to a database and then upload it using SFTP to my server. It scales pretty well unless I‘m becoming the next largest tech company in the world.
Vastly underrated cloud if you’re a small company and don’t operate containers is Cloudflare. I know they get criticized for other reasons but their DX is actually really great if you’re tired of the big 3 (4?)
IME even a small company runs into something you need an actual server for, and then you're suddenly spread across two clouds because Cloudflare is serverless or nothing.
yeah i don’t understand why clouflare isn’t competing head on with cloud providers. Imo they should acquire fly.io, give them a blank check and 2 years and I think they can take down aws.
The reason aws is dominant is because it’s the default and a known quantity. But developers and cost conscious organizations will look at alternatives. Not saying it would be easy but the prize would be huge. Plus AWS seems in chaos with a lack of sensible leadership.
It’s a JavaScript/node-like environment only right now no? I love it for my svelte site but it’s a massive limitation to be locked in based on language and request-response based constraints right now.
You need at the very least containers and persistent volumes to be interesting to me at least.
Interesting choice to support Rust over Go if you ask me. Don't have numbers but I don't really peg Rust as a popular language for serverless web apps, certainly not to the extent of Go
I really wanted to like Azure because of how well it integrated with the rest of my tools, but I kept getting hit with VM availability limitations and UX quirks. I've never had issues getting machines in AWS, or feeling like my actions were taking effect.
I've also waffled several times on the Azure FaaS offering. I am now firmly and irrevocably at "Don't use it. Run away. Quickly.". The experience around Azure Functions is just too weird to get comfortable with. Getting at logs or other binary artifacts is a gigantic pain in the ass. Running a self-contained .NET build on a blank windows/linux VM is so easy it doesn't make sense to get in bed with all this extra complexity.
Ugh, yes. Lack if availability of resources in whichever region i happen to need them.
Also, things that break automation, like calling back to say your sql server is up and running when in fact it’s not ready for another 20 minutes. I am half sure the terraform time_sleep was written specifically to counter azure problems.
You missed the perfect middle ground between serverless and mouse-configuring an IIS VM: Azure App Services. It's the same service function apps are using once they advance beyond the trivial function and require longer runtimes or no spinup delay.
App Services takes some getting used to, but it's a locked down Win Server/IIS container with built in FTPS, self-healing healthcheck endpoints, deployment by pointing to a repository, auto-scaling options, and a 99.95 SLA.
A few years back, it was a bit of a dog performance-wise, but the modern CPUs have been no problem for a 2+ vCPU, Premium level SKU. Pricier than a VM, but dealing with security and updates for a webserver VM is a ton of work.
Most of my complaints of Azure come down to the UI. So many head scratching moments and if you don't have a 4k monitor lot's of scrolling of menus inside of menus
I’m in the same boat. To me it’s bad UX. I can never find anything and it just looks way too complex to use. It shouldn’t be this way but as someone that uses Microsoft Entra, I guess I’m not surprised.
How do you find the price difference? Whenever I've done comparisons, they have always worked out significantly more expensive than AWS, and AWS is already pretty damn expensive for anything that requires a decent amount of compute.
Not on laptops, which you'll be using if you are on call. It's even worse if you don't the eyes of a 20 something year old and have the text scaled up a bit.
Last I tried to use Azure; it did not even offer domain registration. This was many years after launch - and not too long ago.
Not sure if this was an Australia/Oceania limitation - or just an ongoing product limitation.
My requirements weren’t complex. I needed to manage my domains (not AD), spin up virtual machines, and associate the two.
I also found the UI, overall; tedious. Finding the right offering under their ambiguously named services was difficult. And this comes from an AWS user.
I wanted to like Azure, but for very least reasons above; it’s not the product for me.
Did you want domain registration, or just DNS management? Those are two very different services. They offer the latter but not the former. So while you (generally) have to buy domains elsewhere, you can then manage them entirely within Azure after doing so.
I'm curious why people pick Azure, if anyone here has direct experience with making the decision.
I work at a startup that runs on Azure, and we're only here because of Microsoft's monopolistic behavior. We switched because Microsoft gives Office 365 discounts to our customers as long as all the the SaaS services they use are hosted on Azure, and so our customers demanded we use Azure. Part of the monopoly playbook: "using a monopoly in one area to create a monopoly in another".
I used to work at GCP, and I thought it was almost shameful that we were in 3rd place behind Azure. Now it just makes me mad (especially since I had to migrate our startup from GCP to Azure).
Pretty similar reason, customers use Azure so the incentives are in place to run more things on Azure.
Case in point at work: we need to set up Azure infrastructure per-customer. Hitting the Azure RM endpoint from outside the Azure network is not reliable; the API endpoint's DNS record points to one of two IP addresses in westus, and when the DNS record flips (presumably for blue/green deployments) the no-longer-referenced IP address immediately aborts the connection. The official Azure Terraform provider throws an error when this happens and it usually results in Terraform state losing track of something that it already created. Azure support just says "well all we see is 200 OK from our side".
The "solution" is to run the Terraform workload from within Azure. The SLA is only really guaranteed if you're connecting to the Azure RM API from within Azure. Cue the insanity.
How does this work? Do they demand you to use Azure for your servers so they get a discount? Or do you have to create instances of your product in e.g. VMs that are put in their Azure account? Did you have to completeley leave every last bit of gcp behind? How is this checked by MS?
In my case, the company I work for isn’t a software company. The bean counters / IT group would rather just have something tacked onto their existing Microsoft subscription vs. something entirely different.
Also, I suspect part of the reason people are hesitant to use GCP because Google is perceived as a company that will gladly kill products off on a whim. Not great for something mission-critical.
As Azure Ops person spearheading migration off AWS and another cloud, It's pretty funny. Some of it nitpicky, other is sharp edges I've cut myself on and some is Microsoft refuses to update required TF version because they are bending over backwards for compatibility reasons which is beyond frustrating.
However, all the comments about the Portal are baffling to me. AWS portal is just all over the place, I feel like people are expecting AWS awfulness and when portal wants to be consistent, it's breaking people brains.
Oh yea, Day 313 with Public IP to put into DNS. Alias record that you noob. :P
For what it’s worth, I’m a student, and have had the benefit of seeing both the AWS and Azure web interfaces for the first time in the past couple of years. Azure was astoundingly more intuitive and less bizarre than AWS as someone with no experience working with the big clouds.
Even doing classwork involving AWS was an exercise in frustration. I couldn’t actually believe the sort of button trails and on-hover menus I was told to use to access various functions.
I don’t have the experience to evaluate the technical functionality, or whether AWS’s interface is better for experienced users, but I can definitely say it was far less approachable as a novice.
I quite like Azure. Microsoft was also way more responsive than other cloud providers when we were looking to shift providers, we got free 3rd party consultation to setup our infrastructure in azure, it all ended up being more for less for us. It's all setup using infrastructure as code which is pretty maintainable and easy to add new stuff. Almost everything can be done via command line. Don't really use the portal UI to set anything up, but we do use it to look at the state of things. Haven't really had any problems with any of the services.
I’m running two k8s clusters with 6vcpus and 12 gb of memory each and when we got the quote from Azure it wasn’t pretty. The managed pg was a deal breaker for us.
P.s.: side gig with 1qps on eu cluster and way less in US.
P.P.S.: happy Digital Ocean customer
Ah, most of b-guys are uncompetitive and make money by just being in already lucrative businesses. That's why there are solutions with Microsoft technologies.
Azure has its issues, but this kind of extreme take is hardly useful. Any large-scale cloud provider has problems—AWS had its fair share of major outages too.
Just earlier this week it was charging me for some mysterious "api management service" --- it was such a pain in the ass to cancel. I had no idea what it was about. I contacted support, got them to supposedly reverse the charges and reported the credit card as lost before the charges went through just in case. I just wanted a damn api key and couldn't for the life of me figure out how to find it (I work at a cloud computing company, I do this stuff for a living and I still couldn't figure it out).
It's an obtusely confusing interface with opaque pricing that you can just magically sign up for with innocent sounding names. It's like the dark pattern people from Intuit came on over for a house party and got drunk one night.
As a consultant who makes most of their money off of Microsoft technologies, I'm finding more and more reasons NOT to use Azure.
Chiefly among them is their famously bad support. Just google it- I've never spoken with anyone or seen a single written word saying that Azure support is even decent.
It's a race to the bottom platform, and I'm starting to get to the point where I want to start selling AWS.
It's like this in a lot of subreddits dedicated to a particular product. The regulars are die-hard $product fans, and respond to perceived negativity just as you'd expect.
I see this title and all I can think is, "There's only 400?" I am not impressed with Azure, I wish my company was using AWS, everything about AWS was much more reliable. The Azure Portal is not to be trusted, it can just lie to you at times.
Meh, as a developer who lived through the 2000-2010 era Microsoft, it’s easy to come up with a laundry list of reasons to hate on Azure.
But I tried Azure for my most recent startup because I was offended by AWS, and GCP did not have enough adoption among my customers, and Azure worked - fine.
What do you really need out of a cloud?
I want them to rent me VMs, for them to not go down, and to make it easy to do standard stuff like an object store, run containers, run databases, etc.
That’s how clouds try to lock you in, by making you use a custom tool that is different for the sake of being different.
If you use standard tools you don’t have this problem.
Containers running on VMs is standard.
A mesh of microservices that depend on cloud queues and managed services is not.
One argument against standard containers is saving dev time. You can still save dev time by using standard open source software. How many different ways are there to implement a queue or a load balancer?
If you really need access to some proprietary technology then by all means use the cloud that offers it. Eg if your customer demands GPT4.5, then go with Azure.
But if you need something standard, don’t get caught in the trap.
I am an older guy that was building kubernetes clusters before eks, aks, gke. So I used terraform to build shit out to make it happen. Azure was 5x the code just to be different. You can try to blame terraform but if you used MS custom tooling it was no different.
What about the way Terraform is a 3rd class citizen on Azure? And there are multiple ever-changing ways of doing everything, major parameters aren't supported, etc. It just makes it more difficult to deal with.
> I will just say that Azure seems to want to do shit different for the sake of being different.
That's Microsoft's MO in a nutshell in my experience, and I say this as a recent(~5yrs ago) convert to Linux who built a career on Windows endpoints, servers, ADDS, Exchange, SCCM, you name it. It's how they achieve lock-in to their ecosystem, and it's incredibly frustrating to see how they've just layered that method of operation over and over again, decade after decade, rather than fix anything.
Conversely, doing things "the same way" as AWS would mean copying their first-generation public cloud design flaws.
The overall UX of AWS is absolutely crazy. It's easy to "lose" a resource... in there... somewhere... in one of the many portals, in some region, costing you money! Meanwhile, Azure shows you a single pane of glass across all resource types in all regions. It's also fairly trivial to query across all subscriptions (equivalent to AWS accounts).
Similarly, AWS insists on peppering their UI with random-looking internal identifiers. These are meaningless and not sortable in any useful way.
Azure in comparison allows users to specify grouping by "english" resource group names and then resources within them also have user-specified names. The only random identifiers are the Subscription GUIDs, but even those have user-assignable display name aliases.
The unified Portal and scripting experience of Azure Resource Manager is a true "second generation" public cloud, and is much closer to the experience of using Kubernetes, which is also a "second gen" system developed out of Borg. E.g.: In K8s you also get a single-pane-of glass, human-named namespaces (=resource groups), human-named workloads, etc...
A single pane of glass that shows all your resources that are currently choking due to hidden limitations is no flex over AWS. It is my hope I never have to use Azure ever again professionally or otherwise
This. We've used GCP Appengine for years and it is rock solid. Their SRE game is top level, and when there is an outage, they do a serious investigation and make it fully public, even if they screwed up badly. Including the vital "this is how we're going to stop this ever happening again". The last outage (that we noticed) was several years ago.
Azure tend to bite back when they upgrade their backend and everything breaks
Happened twice with my kubernetes deportment, first something with node groups made them incompatible and had to recreate the cluster from scratch, then one of their scripts to rotate key access to volumes (that one has to run manually, go figure) stopped working and caused my volumes to detach from pods, and has to recreate the cluster again, and I just give up.
I was super happy as well, the first two years. By years six I was fully migrated out.
I need it to be sane, to work and to be reasonably well documented.
Azure ostensibly fails outright on points 1 and 3, and limps by on 2.
The products are confusing mess, there’s way too many ways to auth things, docs are garbage, tried multiple times to manage stuff via Terraform which broke far too much to be excusable, to say nothing of the dumpster fire that is their UX.
I’m sure some people have either beaten it into submission, or have stockholmed themselves into putting it up with it.
Asking: Okay, clearly there are a lot of
people here with lots of experience
running their software on cloud services
from Microsoft, Amazon, Google, etc.
But what about a solo founder running
their Web site on a "full tower" computer
they plugged together themselves?
So, why use a cloud server farm with its
expense and complexity?
Or, get a mother board, a processor with
16 cores and a 4+ GHz clock, 128 GB of
main memory, some rotating and/or solid
state disks for a total of 20 TB or so,
some external disks for backup, a recent
copy of Windows Server, applications
software from .NET, and a 1 Gbps Internet
connection?? The computer -- tower case,
power supply, motherboard, processor,
disk, solid state disks, and Windows
Server -- costs ~$3000?
So, a 1 Gbps Internet connection, ~$100 a
month, would have capacity of, say, 100
MBps. If sending a Web page with 200 KB,
then the peak capacity would be
100 MBps / 200 KB = 500 pages/second.
Then 500 pages a second with 5 ads per
page with revenue of, say, $2 per thousand
ads sent (CPM), that would be
500 * 5 * 2 / 1000 = $5/second
at peak capacity or maybe an average of
half that for $2.50/second.
Then at 16 hours a day that would be
revenue of
2.50 * 60 * 16 * 30 = $72,000/month
For the electric power, at 200 W and
$0.10/KWh, that would be
200 * 24 * 30 * 0.10 / 1000 = $14.40/month
How many users?
With peak capacity of 500 pages a second
and average of half that, 250 pages a
second, for 16 hours a day, that would be
250 * 60 * 16 * 30 = 7,200,000
pages a month. If on average send 5 pages
per user, that would be
7,200,000 / 5 = 1,440,000
users per month.
If users come on average 2 times a week
that would be 8 times a month or
1,440,000 / 8 = 180,000 users
from one tower case and some Web page
So, why use a cloud server farm with its
expense and complexity?
If you have the skills, and the bottom line is still positive (include opportunity costs and personnel costs, ease of getting SOC2 / ISO certification if that's relevant to you, ease of scaling up and down), then you should go for other solutions.
I advice CEOs of SMEs on this, and I can tell you that the main concern they have is availability of people to build and maintain the systems. Because cloud / k8s is more popular these days, that's what they go for. If we could reliably find smart system operators that will happily maintain a couple of racks of servers for years, it would be a more viable option.
Where’s the firewall? Reverse proxy? SSL certificate management? High availability? Patch management? SCM? Central logging and alerting?
As someone who ran many IIS boxes since IIS 4, I greatly prefer Azure websites over having to worry about all the “other stuff” that comes with onprem. Yes, the cloud needs an RP, WAF, etc, but they’re always HA and simple services, not another box to maintain.
Careful, anytime the topic of self-hosting comes up, you will see a bunch of engineers crawl out of the woodwork to insist only the cloud can handle the complexity.
Redundancy and failover capability, mostly (in terms of everything.... power, network, storage, compute.) For a hobby project, what you describe is probably fine. For a real business, do you want to tell customers you're down because your one computer shit the bed and you have to run to Best Buy to get a new motherboard?
> For a hobby project, what you describe is probably fine.
Thanks! Yup, it will be "a hobby project" until, if ever, it gets some users and revenue. Then, have several servers, some load balancing and redundancy, uninterruptible power with a generator outdoors on a concrete slab, contact Cloudflair or some such and have them do what is needed, etc.
Just looked up SSL, reverse proxies, firewalls, etc. Okay.
Because you might need 20,000 of those "servers" immediately, and not have the up front capital to for an investment like that. And maybe it doesn't work out and you just needed those servers for 2yrs vs $your_depreciation rate
And you'd need about 19,997 less of those servers if you got rid of all the scummy adtech infrastructure you're implementing and just focused on the core product. Unless your core product is ads and marketing data, in which case boil those oceans so that you'll be able to show mattress ads to someone that's 0.3% more likely to be influenced to buy a new mattress when they buy a pack of gum if they're running dark mode and have a Mac but use an Android phone and are located within 217 miles of Arkabutla, but only if it's raining.
I don't see colocation charges in there, unless you were planning on running your 'server' out of your house on a residential internet connection (that probably has restrictions on acceptable use.)
By the time you spec out a real server (redundant power, higher quality components than Newegg stuff), rent some space in a rack, pay for bandwidth (50Mbps is going to be about it without paying a premium), you're going to be looking at $5000 + $300/m. All that effort, whereas you could spin up something in the cloud for a bit more per month.
This does flip quickly, however. Once you get into the high 5-figure monthly spend, running your own hardware makes sense again. DHH's blog posts on 'Leaving the Cloud' are a great read.
If your stuff can fit on a single server at home, and are comfortable managing it, by all means do! It’s definitely way WAY cheaper, and if budget matters, that’s great. Nothing wrong with that IMHO. Obviously you can’t 100x overnight, but that’s realistically not gonna happen. And if it does, then you can start to migrate, which probably won’t be that hard, because it’s just impossible to make a single machine anywhere near as complicated as a cloud setup.
If you need an active component near your customers for low latency responses, the cloud makes it very cheap to deploy tiny VMs or small containers all over the place. It’s trivial to template this out, scale up and down for follow-the-sun or to account for local traffic spikes.
If you need it, you need it, and nothing else meets this need except perhaps some CDNs with “edge compute” capabilities — however those are quite limited.
The great thing about Azure is not the security it's the reports about how you are secure. The later is legally required the former is only visible experts.
Story time!
A couple of years back, I was working at Mojang (makers of Minecraft).
We got purchased by Microsoft, which of course meant we had to at least try to migrate away from AWS to Azure. On the surface, it made sense: our AWS bill was pretty steep, iirc into the 6 figures monthly, we could have Azure for free*.
Fast forward about a year, and an uncountable amount of hours spent by both my team, and Azure solutions specialists, kindly lent to us by the Azure org itself, we all agreed the six figure bill to one of corporate daddy's largest competitors would have to stay!
I've written off Azure as a viable cloud provider since then. I've always thought I would have to revaluate that stance sooner or later. Wouldn't be the first time I was wrong!
Your story reminds me of when Microsoft acquired Hotmail in the '90s and they tried migrating from FreeBSD & Solaris onto Windows NT/IIS. Having the world's largest email service running on the Windows stack would have been a huge endorsement. It took years until they were successful.
Ha, I worked on that project. That drove a lot of good requirements into Windows that set us up for web based services (eventually)
Are you free to expand upon your role and perhaps some of the actual tech/fixes that made it back into Windows?
Seriously, Windows 2000 was one of the most stable OS back in the day, rock solid. I used 2000 server as a desktop OS, instead of 98.
unlike shit show that was windows 95/98/ME
Windows 2000 server was peak windows. All the subsequent versions just got harder to maintain as they gradually ruined the user interface. Nobody cares about the UI on consumer windows but if you’re spending a lot of time in RDP the vista based server products are terrible.
I don’t hate windows 2019 but Linux is better, easier, faster and a relief after any futile attempts to use IIS or sql server in 2025.
windows xp x64 edition was pretty slick; and so was NT4. I agree that 2000 was pretty cool, but perhaps a lot of that is design nostalgia. It was very "serious business OS" where XP and Me looked like jellybeans and cartoons. My favorite windows, though, is win 7 ultimate, Steve Ballmer Edition. i was sad when i had to upgrade to winten.
ninja proof: https://i.imgur.com/l29rDVo.jpeg
I get the nostalgia for XP, it was the first windows consumer edition that didn’t suck, but for a server OS 2000 was so lean and easy to manage it makes me wonder how MS lost to Linux. Back then, it was a genuine competition, now you’d have to be crazy to choose windows to deploy anything.
i never used windows XP, i went from 2000 pro to XP x64 edition, which came out 2 years after XP did.
After SP2 the worst wrinkles are taken care of. Oh, and skip ever second OS release, of course.
I'm not as much against windows as I uses to be but I'm not budging off Ubuntu LTS even though they too try really hard to rock the boat.
> vista based server products are terrible.
The first generation of tabletised 8/Metro interfaces made me audibly groan every time I had to RDP into machines running 2012.
The stuttering over RDP when the start menu animation tried to slide in the tiles was amazing.
Oh yes. I still have a client that has 2012 and it physically hurts to use
> Seriously, Windows 2000 was one of the most stable OS back in the day, rock solid. I used 2000 server as a desktop OS, instead of 98.
Really? Oh, compared to other Windows versions...
Because it never came close to the stability of OS/400, Netware 3, AIX, Solaris or even OS/2 v2.
I dunno how to compare stable to stable but I ran Win2k for so long that I got bored with it (something like 5-7 years) and never experienced a single crash. This is coming from a Linux guy btw… so I’m no Microsoft fanboy, just saying, it was as stable as any other stable OS.
Didn't mean to bash you, sorry.
I saw years of uptime on those systems whereas Win2000 iirc needed a reboot for every single update of the OS, and even for applications like IIS or Exchange.
Compared to NT4 it was probably very stable, since I remember telling most clients to just shut it down Friday evening and boot it Monday morning cause the pre-SP4 NT4 could not stay up more than three weeks.
Compare that to AS/400, where we pushed updates all over the country, without warning clients, to system running in hospitals, and there never was even the slightest problem. It sounds irresponsible to do that today, but those updates just worked, all the time and all applications continued to work.
> I saw years of uptime on those systems
This just means security updates were never installed.
(Or you claim that all those operating systems never had kernel-level security issues which seems doubtful...)
Like IIS running some part of the code in the kernel? ( http.sys ) :x
It has its advantages… but wasn’t done until Svr 2003.
> Windows that set us up for web based services (eventually)
...and then .NET and SQL Server started shipping for Linux.
SQL Server is really Sybase tho, which was always capable of running on UNIX.
Can't say much more, but I worked on a huge (internal) Sybase ASE on Linux based app (you've _all_ bought products administered on this app ;) ) way back (yes, pre-SSD, multi path fiber I/O to get things fast, failover etc.) and T-SQL is really nice, as is/was ASE and the replication server. Been about 20 years tho, so who knows.
SQL Server uses NT and Win32 APIs, so the SQL team built a platform independent layer. Meaning NT and Win32 is still used by SQL on Linux. It’s pretty cool tech.
I worked with SQL Server a bit, writing a Rust client for it back in the days. The manual is really good, explaining the protocol clearly. That made it really easy to write a client for it.
Can't say the same for Oracle...
I used to work at a Sybase shop in the late 90's. It was way nicer to work with than Oracle!
There are 2 decades between those 2 points, .NET was -4 y.o. at the first one.
> It took years until they were successful.
The 90s were the dark ages of cloud computing. It was the age of system administrator, desktop apps, Usenet, and the start of the internet as a public service. At the time concepts such as infrastructure as code, cloud, and continuous deployment, were unheard of.
AWS, which today we take for granted, was launched on 2002, and back then it started as a way to monetize Amazon's existing shared IT platform.
Of course migrating anything back then was a world of pain, specially when it's servers running on different OSes. It's like the rewrite from hell, that can even cover the OS layer. Of course it takes years.
Pre Microsoft hotmail is one of the things I miss about the 'old' internet, logging in with Navigator 3.something in the library at uni.
Businesses are theoretically all about money but end up being driven by pride half the time.
Of course. Why would you expect anything but? Pride is actually a very good driver of change if you ask me because people often do their best work when they are proud of what they are building.
Makes sense to me. After all, businesses are run by humans, who have egos to satisfy.
Links in the original are dead but I think this is the Microsoft doc on “what could Windows do better” - https://web.itu.edu.tr/~dalyanda/mssecrets/hotmail.html
Thanks for linking to this.
The tone and content of this document is shockingly candid and frank. I think it did a ton to make Windows Server a better product. I have a lot of respect for the people at MSFT who reviewed the company's own product in such a critical light.
When I worked at Jet, a shopping website trying to compete with Amazon, we obviously did not want to give money to Amazon, so we used Azure.
For the most part it was just fine, until we started using CosmosDB (then called DocumentDB).
DocumentDB, in its first incarnation, was utterly terrible. The pricing was extremely hard to predict, so we would end up with ridiculous bills at the end of the week, the provided .NET SDK for it was buggy and horrible, but the very worst part was the WebUI appeared to be directly tied to your particular instance of CosmosDB.
Why is this bad? Because if you under-provisioned stuff for your database, it might start going slow, and it would actually lag the web interface you would use to increase the resources! We got into situations where we had to turn off the entire application, just to bump up the resources for Cosmos. It felt like it was a complete amateur hour from Microsoft.
My understanding is that Cosmos has gotten a lot better, but man that left a sour taste in my mouth. If I end up getting some free credits or something, maybe I'll give Azure another go but I would definitely not recommend it right now.
> My understanding is that Cosmos has gotten a lot better, but man that left a sour taste in my mouth.
A couple of years ago I stumbled upon a Azure project which started off using the old timey Cosmos DB. Looking at the repository history from those days, I saw a bunch of Entity Framework configurations and navigations and arcane wizardry that would take an engineer months to really figure out.
Then there was an update to CosmosSDK, and all that EF noise was replaced by single CRUD operations that took the unserialized object, id and partition key as input. That's it.
Worlds of difference, and a simple key-value query takes ~10ms to do.
Yes, it's worlds of difference.
> Worlds of difference, and a simple key-value query takes ~10ms to do.
Unless that query goes over the Internet to another continent, that's a really long time isn't it?
> Because if you under-provisioned stuff for your database, it might start going slow, and it would actually lag the web interface you would use to increase the resources!
What the ever loving heck... seriously?! Why wouldn't this be a control plane API that reconfigures a data plane?!
I think it was querying the database to get usage information, and it was blocking the loading of the page as a result. It's been a few years, but if I recall correctly, the .NET API for changing the database provisioning did work, so some people would hack up a quick script to change resources in an emergency.
I think they did fix it eventually, because I know that multiple people on my team complained to Microsoft about it. Very short-sighted decision on their end, but to be fair it was a brand new product.
This is how hosted Elasticsearch works today, too. Really mess up your ES? Good luck with the web UI!
> What the ever loving heck... seriously?!
What's so surprising about that? If your CRUD operations take longer to do, and you're doing those to drive a GUI, of course the GUI will lumber along.
You've got me curious: what was the single biggest barrier to migration, if you're able to disclose it? I'm guessing it was something proprietary to AWS, like how they handle serverless or something that couldn't translate over directly, but I'm always eager to learn why a migration from X to Y didn't work.
This is a couple of years ago, so I fully expect most of the issues we had back then to be fixed by now, but it was definitely Azure that was the problem.
We wanted to use their hosted kubernetes solution(I forget the name) and pods would just randomly lose connection to eachother, everything network related was just ridiculously unstable. Host machines would report their status as healthy, but then be unable to start any pods, making scaling out the cluster unreliable. I also remember a colleague I regarded as a bit of a wizard being very frustrated with cosmosdb, but I cannot for the life of me remember what the specific issue was.
Our solution was actually quite well written, if I do say so myself, we had designed it to be cloud agnostic, just on the off chance that something like this would happen (there may have been rumours this acquisition would happen ahead of time).
But Azure was just utterly unable to deliver on anything they promised, thus the write-off on my part.
Ohh, AKS. I had the 'pleasure' of using it quite early on, 5/6 years ago. We kept killing it by actually using it with more than 50 pods. You know you see one of few serious users when you get through the 3 layers of support and gets to talk to the actual developers in the US.
But my impression is that it's better now. In general my experience with azure is that the base services, those who see millions of hours in use, are stable. Think VMs, storage, queue etc. But the higher up you go in the stack, the fewer hours of use do they see, and the lower quality it gets.
Pods loosing connection to each other is still very very common in azure.
To see the positive side of it, it’s a Chaos Monkey test for free. Everything you deploy must be hardened with reconnections, something you should be doing anyway.
What’s frustrating is that it happens rarely enough to give the illusion of being stable, making it easy for PM to postpone hardening work, yet often enough to put a noticeable dent in your uptime if you don’t address it. Perfect degree of gaslighting.
> To see the positive side of it, it’s a Chaos Monkey test for free. Everything you deploy must be hardened with reconnections, something you should be doing anyway.
Keep in mind that in Azure it's a must-have, whereas everywhere else it's either a nice-to-have or a sign your system is broken.
Curious about details too. The parent's conclusion is to write off Azure, but I wonder if it's actually AWS or the way they use AWS that makes it hard to migrate.
Or put it in another way, if Mojong were to start with Azure but couldn't manage to migrate to AWS, which provider is the parent going to write off?
My experience has certainly been that AWS is both a) more stable, and b) has more migration resources and guides than the reverse.
It was easier to go to AWS than to Azure; and I've done both in the past ~4 years. Migrating to AWS was just technical work. Migrating to azure was 'fight unexpected bugs and the fact it doesn't actually work in surprising situations'.
The only reason to go to azure was that Microsoft waved a big fat $$$ discount to use their services.
Migrating to AWS was a breeze.
Yup, the hardest part about migrating to Azure was jumping between all the managed services that work everywhere else but are insanely buggy on Azure. We ended up with the most basic architecture you can imagine (other than AKS, which works great as long as you don't use any plugins) and we're still running into issues.
We have a very long list of Azure features and services that we've banned people from using.
Just got off a call with someone at Azure today who told us to setup our own NAT gateway instead of using Azure's because of an outage where we made too many requests and then got our NAT Gateway quota taken away for the next 2 hours.
> Yup, the hardest part about migrating to Azure was jumping between all the managed services that work everywhere else but are insanely buggy on Azure.
Care to point out a concrete example? I've worked with Azure a few years ago and I wouldn't describe it as buggy. At most, I accuse them of not "getting" cloud as well as AWS. For example, the whole concept of a function app is ass-backwards, vs just deploying a Lambda with a specific capacity. That is mainly a reflection of having more years working with AWS, though.
To be fair AWS also has quotas on NAT Gateways.
Maximum 55k concurrent connections. After that, they make you deploy NAT gateways in other availability zones. And a max throughput of 10 Gbps.
I imagine AWS would also tell you to deploy your own gateway if you were running into the 55k concurrent connection limit of managed NAT.
AWS tends to be flexible with their quota enforcement in my experience, though.
Yea, I don't have a problem with the quota, more that the "out of quota" throttling lasts 2+ hours even after the traffic spike dies down.
> My experience has certainly been that AWS is both a) more stable, and b) has more migration resources and guides than the reverse.
I'm not sure how well founded the stability argument is. I still remember the infamous series of AWS outages that took place a couple of years ago.
The fact that AWS invests heavily in vendor lock-in is a problem created by AWS, not their competitors.
My experience with AWS is the documentation can be bad/wrong, it can be difficult to find stuff, but the actual services are very solid. It does what you tell it to do. Stuff works.
My experience with Azure is that it simply breaks in ridiculous and frankly unacceptable ways, all the time. It's like someone is unplugging network and power cables every couple hours just for fun.
The networking is so, so bad in azure. We ran into all kinds of craziness with simple things that kept kicking us in the nuts like port exhaustion between different subscriptions. I quit my last job partly because they were wedded to azure.
Current Mojang employee here, we moved fully onto Azure as of a few years ago AFAIK.
Some more game-oriented technologies of course have helped in the years since though.
Edit: AWS -> Azure :)
> Current Mojang employee here
Can I have my Mojang account back?
I literally cannot log in to it after it was forcefully migrated to Microsoft. Microsoft doesn't recognize my computer as not-a-bot. Something to do with being Linux, I imagine.
Or, can I get a refund?
Oof, this won't help you, but I recall sending a very angry email to me new corporate overlord in the Xbox org for blocking me from using their web services if my user agent said Linux.
This was during the "Microsoft <3 Linux" campaign, and I think I cited that and then told em Minecraft would not be able to move forward with Xbox account migration until they stopped such idiocy.
Since I was the dev tasked with migrating Mojang accounts to Xbox accounts, I felt I had at least SOME credibility to my claim that it was blocking me.
But honestly, modifying my user agent was easy, it just pissed me off.
They did fix that the same day tho, so I guess the believed me!
Moved my Minecraft license to a new Microsoft account as required. Microsoft account was flagged and blocked when I checked a few days after. And that's how I got scammed out of my Minecraft license.
I bought my kid Minecraft and spent two hours trying to get it set up to run on a Windows 10 machine.
In the end I gave up and he plays it on an old Ubuntu laptop instead.
How did it take two hours to install on windows 10?
it probably didn't work right away and two hours was spent on troubleshooting
Their bot detection systems are _extremely_ overzealous and don't even _tell you_ they're denying you nor offer ANY recourse to correct the problems.
I think I finally managed to make it work in a new/clean Chromium browser profile.
Oh you guys finally managed!? Cool to hear! I guess Azure must've gotten better then, back when I was there, the conclusion was that Azure simply wasn't mature enough to host Minecraft yet.
Again, this is a while ago: I remember when I started we were just starting to replace the old yggdrasil servers with the new micronaut based system which I think is still in use today?
I still remember that application fondly as the best architectured piece of software I've ever worked on. I hope all is well!
> we moved fully onto AWS as of a few years ago
Did you mean Azure?
Yes, I do. Whoops!
> Fast forward about a year, and an uncountable amount of hours spent by both my team, and Azure solutions specialists, kindly lent to us by the Azure org itself, we all agreed the six figure bill to one of corporate daddy's largest competitors would have to stay!
Being tied to AWS and being unable to shake off a huge bill is not a trait of its competitors. It's a trait of AWS, and stresses the importance of not picking them as your cloud provider.
Also, I think it's unbelievable that a monthly 6-figure invoice charged to a company already with cloud engineers in their payroll is not justification enough to shift their workload elsewhere.
Low 6 figures is just a dev. If a team of 5 devs has to work on the problem for 5 years, then it will pay for itself in 25 years. Likely beyond any planning horizon of a company with yearly performance evaluation cycles.
> Low 6 figures is just a dev.
...in the US.
In Europe, even the likes of Amazon pays it's SDEs 70k/year. In Sweden, for example, Microsoft pays it's SDEs south of 800k SEK, which is about 70k dollars/year.
Low 6 figures is an entire team of Microsoft SDEs working full time for a year.
It has since migrated to Azure. I suspect there was a gap in the technology that was since closed, as AWS certainly had a head start in general.
Interesting, because until now I have the same opinion in reverse.
Each case is a special case how everything gets configured, but between Azure, GCP, AWS and IBM clouds, the ones with smoother experience on my case, have been on Azure, based on Java and .NET technologies.
And we also have our share of support tickets across all of them.
Now Azure back in its early days, 2010 - 2016 was kind of ruff, maybe this is the timeframe you're referring to?
Yep, sounds like my experience. Years ago, we migrated of Rackspace to Azure, but the database latency was diabolical. In the end, we got better performance by pointing the Azure web servers to the old database that was still in Rackspace than we did trying to use the database that was supposedly in the same data centre.
I kicked up a stink and we migrated everything to AWS in under a week.
IMHO, you're gonna struggle if you move anywhere else from AWS. We're migrating to GCP and there are gaps all over the place.
is it because there are features that AWS provides to you that are not available in GCP, or just the fact that setting up exact replicas of processes is hard for migrations like these?
Out of curiosity, what are the biggest gaps you've hit in GCP?
This is the reason I try to avoid proprietary bullshit services. Use EC2, Postgres, and S3, and you’ll be fine in any cloud or even on bare metal.
That sounds to my self-hoster ears as an expensive way to do self hosting. Isn't at least half the point of AWS to use their SaaS thingies that all integrate with each other, I think people now call it "cloud native software"?
Not that most of our customers whose AWS environment we audit do much of this, at least not beyond some basics like creating a vlan ("virtual private cloud"), three layers of proxies to "load balance" a traffic volume that my old laptop could handle without moving the load average above 0.2, and some super complex authentication/IAM rules for a handful of roles and service accounts iirc
(The other half of the point is infinite scale, so that you can get infinite customers signing up and using the system at once (which hopefully pay before your infinite AWS bill is due), but you can still do that with VPSes and managed databases/storage.)
The point of moving to AWS is often to benefit from their data centers and reliability promises. So VPC, EC2, IAM, maybe S3 have a clear point.
And one small note: apart from S3, virtually all AWS services are tied to a VPC, any kind of deployment starts with "ok, in what VPC do you want this resource?".
It is an expensive way to do self hosting, yeah! I guess one reason is, sometimes it’s easier to just use one of big N clouds – e.g. if you’re in a regulated industry and your auditors will raise brows if they see a random VPS provider instead. (Or maybe not? If you’re doing that kind of audits I’d love to hear your thoughts!)
> Isn't at least half the point of AWS to use their SaaS thingies
It is. (That’s how they lock you in!) I think it’s okay to use some AWS stuff once in a while, but I’d be wary of building your whole app architecture around AWS.
I’m in the self-hosters camp myself :-) I’m building a Docker dashboard to make it easier to build, ship, and monitor applications on any server: https://lunni.dev/
The is sort of petty, but… your web page does the horrible scroll-and-watch-the-content-fade-in thing. This is annoying and makes me want to stop reading. It also makes me wonder if your product does the same thing, which would be a complete nonstarter. Seriously, if I’m debugging some container issue, I do not want some completely unnecessary animation to prevent me from seeing the dashboard.
I’ve just dropped you a note in the chat. We’re also on Swarm, and dealing with most of the stuff you address, and some more. Would love to contribute to Lunni, if you’re open to that :)
I’m personally thoroughly unimpressed by the bare metal S3 implementations I’ve tried.
And there’s also an issue with client libraries and their compatibility with various implementations. I recently discovered this issue:
This is GCS implementing the S3 API incorrectly in a way that really ought not to break clients, but it’s still odd because the particular bug on GCS’s end seems like it took active effort to get wrong. But it’s also boto (the main library used in Python to access S3 and compatible services) doing something silly, tripping over GCS’s bug, and failing. And it’s AWS, who owns boto, freely admitting that they don’t intend to fix it, because boto isn’t actually intended to work with services that are merely compatible with S3.
As icing on the cake, to report this bug to Google, I apparently need to pay $29 plus a 3% surcharge on my GCS usage. Thanks.
Time to check out OpenDAL, I suppose.
> [...] and S3, and you’ll be fine in any cloud
Except Azure - AFAIK it's pretty much the only cloud provider that doesn't support S3 API, see e.g. https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/answers/questions/1183760/...
> proprietary bullshit services
> S3
Hasn't this recently been an issue where Amazon arbitrarily changes the S3 contract and all software following it as a spec has to play catch-up?
I think this happened a few times, but given there are many S3 clients, they can’t keep doing thiat or there will be a backlash.
Although perhaps it’s about time we made a proper standard based on S3, yeah.
In my experience (worked for organizations that used everything from on-prem server racks, to Linode to AWS to Azure), complaints about cloud infrastructure are proportional to managed service usage. I rarely hear teams that largely rely on virtual machines (perhaps with a managed RDBMS) complain. They do have to maintain a little extra scripting, but that's a minor inconvenience compared to battling issues and idiosyncrasies of managed services.
I'm sure it's gotten better now but back in 2016 provisioning VMs in Azure took so long that we joked that every time you provision an instance a Microsoft engineer gets in a car to buy the server.
I'm a little confused by this post. Obviously it's easier to maintain a plain VM than managed services. That's why people are paying a lot more money to the cloud providers for managed services, so they don't have to do it themselves. What you're saying is that this is essentially a pointless endeavor? I don't think this statement is entirely uncontroversial, since managed services are the main reason for many companies to migrate to cloud.
Using managed services is not a pointless endeavor – they can save you a lot of time (and therefore money).
Unless you need to switch providers, at which point it may take more time to adjust for differences in how those managed services operate.
Managed services are absolutely not the main reason for moving to the cloud. Companies do it for the flexibility that comes with renting the real estate/energy/hardware instead of owning it.
We use managed services, but only those that are managed versions of pre-existing software.
For example, we'll used Managed Postgres, but not Azure or AWS's home grown databases.
Makes migrating much easier.
It's easier for the provider to maintain a VM provision. It's supposed to be easier for the customer to maintain managed services, but that's often debatable.
I wish I could better help my org see that. Luckily my boss agrees with me, but he's not in full control. Between the vendor lock-in, and the _almost but not quite api compatibility_ with OSS... I just dread as more teams adopt it.
"But it's easier!" ... yeah, we'll see...
Azure's anti competitive conduct is also the reason that AWS stopped lowering prices.
Before 2014 or so, AWS would periodically reduce prices on major services passing on falling technology costs.
Azure didn't like that, so they aligned their prices to AWS's, matching immediately the same discounts on the same service.
This is a form a predatory pricing, because the goal is to kill the incentive for competitors to reduce prices, by denying them market share gains when they do.
That's okay, Microsoft will rename it to something else and completely change the admin UI and APIs next week. It will now be called Dynamics CoPilot OneAI 365 for Business OneCloud.
Of all the paas providers Azure have the worst abstractions and services.
In general I think it’s sad that most buy in to consuming these ”weird” services and that there’s jobs to be had as cloud architects and specialists. It feeds bad design and loose threads as partners have to be kept relevant.
This is my take on the whole enterprise IT field though!
At my little shop of 30 so developers, we inherited an Azure mess, built abstractions for the services we need in a more ”industry standard” way in our dev tooling, and moved to Hetzner after a couple of years.
A developer here knows no different, basically - our tooling deals with our workflows and service abstractions, and these shouldn’t change just because new provider.
1/10-th of the monthly bill, and money partly spent on building the best DX one can imagine.
Great trade-off, IMO!
Only two cases come to mind for using big cloud:
- really small scale: mvp style
- massive global distribution with elasticity requirements.
Two outliers looking at the vast majority of companies out there.
I believe any Azure user might be able to compile their 100 reasons to not use Azure, and the same will be true for most big pieces of software.
Even as someone that had minimal exposure to other clouds, I could easily see how Azure user experience lags due to the lack of proper care.
The amount of pages with a filter bar that will not work properly until you remember to click the load more should clearly be zero at this point, this is an objectively bad pattern that existed for years and should be "easy" to fix. But the issue will probably never be prioritized.
The fact is that unless tackling those issues are part of the organization core values or that they are clearly hitting their revenue stream, they won't be fixed. Publicity and visibility of those issues will always be crucial for the community of users.
I work in both AWS and Azure and let me tell you, one thing I absolutely love about Azure is their portal. It’s like AWS 2.0 where all the cloud cruft is abstracted away and all that is left is the knobs you actually need to turn, and how they relate to one another.
I love me some AWS, but my god every time I have to dive into an unfamiliar environment and try and reverse engineer how everything connects - I need a drink afterwards.
I’m having a really hard time believing you are serious. The one time I tried out azure for a few days the portal was absolutely painful. Every click would take 5-10 seconds for a response. Sometimes basic settings change actions would take 2+ minutes of watching an Ajax spinner. How can anyone enjoy working like that???
Sure, the UI is sluggish, but at least you don't have to move through three different "services" to find the routing table that your VM is using.
AWS UIs are generally snappy and smartly designed individually, but they are horrendously organized at the general level. AWS is built as if you are exploring a relational DB containing your resources, instead of a deployment tree.
Your VM doesn't have a NIC in AWS, it has a foreign key to your entire VPC's NIC table, which lives in the VPC service, not the EC2 service. And then your NIC doesn't have an associated subnet, it has a foreign key to the subnet. And then when you get to the subnet table, you look up the routing tables table, and finally in the routing tables table, you'll find the settings for the routing table. This all works through following links, but the constant context switching and tabs upon tabs that AWS UI requires are extremely unpleasant for me at least to use. I'll take Azure's sluggish UI that organizes all of this in one-two pages instead of four any day.
AWS pages are built by different teams, and it shows. We're all supposed to use IAC though, right?
In all seriousness, even in the face of IAC, the one thing Azure can do that AWS can't [at the time this happened to me], is have a global view of everything that's running right now and costing me money. It was years back, it was a $5 bill, but the principle of it had me livid. I did my best to tear down everything after my evaluation, yet something was squirreled away costing money.
So yeah, absolutely, sluggish UI all the way (I also find the Amazon storefront profoundly ugly and disorganized).
And most links can't be opened in a new window, you ant right click on them and middle click don't work!!
God, you never tried Oracle Cloud. It's not an UI, it's an escape room. I would pay to switch to Azure.
I think OP is trying to differentiate between Azure APIs, which are unbelievably slow and horrible, and the UI design itself - the layout, the font, how one screen will flow to another screen, what links to what, how it would be laid out in a tool like Figma.
Azure's APIs are atrociously slow. Azure's UI design is pretty nice. There's not much the UI designers can do about their API colleagues.
I know we're talking about AWS and Azure here, but had to add that fwiw, the M365 admin interface(s) are so bad it practically feels like a prank. In other words, it's as though someone is purposely making them as chaotic as possible to what end I can't even guess.
Add Intune to the list of bad MS dashboards…
I think it was the InTune interface I was in the other day that had the same link underneath 4 different sections of the dashboard, which I noticed when I had all 4 of them expanded at once? That got a good laugh out of me.
"Here...don't miss this settings page! Seriously! Look!"
Can anybody name a Microsoft interface with good UX? (Yes, the grandparent liked the Azure homepage, but that was also disputed by several others)
Does Microsoft Mouse count?
Not familiar with the product. The MS name alone would make me biased. Is it really good or even better in some way? Or did you just slightly ironically mean they did not manage to make it worse than competing products?
This comment reads like rage bait (I am not saying your opinion is "invalid" or you're lying). I've never meant anyone who likes the Azure portal lol, even people who live inside of the Azure ecosystem hour by hour.
The Azure portal has some nice ideas - in theory, being able to divide stuff into "resource groups" works a lot better than the AWS approach of "divide resources that should be isolated from each other into separate sub-accounts".
In practise, even the good ideas are implemented poorly.
Genuine question: is your comment satire? If not, that's hilarious, I find myself on the completely opposite end of the spectrum. To each their own!
Seriously, I absolutely can't stand the azure ui. I don't think the AWS console is great, but it is definitely better than the Azure one to me.
At least the Azure one lets you see all your resources, so you can verify you don't have something you're paying for unexpectedly.
That would be good if I could acquire resources in the first place. Even Oracle Cloud makes more sense (if you've ever heard of it)
Oracle Cloud was (and possibly still is) deleting random accounts (it was all over their subreddit at the time).
I wouldn't have believed it, but while testing out a server for a business, they deleted my account, and didn't reply when I emailed support about it.
Oracle did not even accept my credit card (the same I pay AWS and Scaleways with). So I missed that part of the experience.
That would have been nice, AWS kept sending me bills for $0.00, and after multiple tickets over a couple years, I finally deleted my entire account due to how pathetic their support was (they never figured out which service was active, and I couldn't find a way to figure it out using their UI).
AWS is actually great once you spend few dozen hours in the service. If you are using the service for the first time GCP feels a lot smoother but then you begin to see corner cases and everything and GCP just breaks in those. Azure is bad the first time and gets worse over time.
My experience too, I could never find anything even if I know it's there, and I was told by my boss to use it. I stand there for a half hour, credit card in hand, then go to AWS where the equivalent can be located by mortals. It's like they don't want anyone's business.
Sometimes I create a webservice for fun in a single PHP file, using PDO to connect to a database and then upload it using SFTP to my server. It scales pretty well unless I‘m becoming the next largest tech company in the world.
Vastly underrated cloud if you’re a small company and don’t operate containers is Cloudflare. I know they get criticized for other reasons but their DX is actually really great if you’re tired of the big 3 (4?)
Can't wait to be able to run containers there. [1]
[1]: https://blog.cloudflare.com/container-platform-preview/
IME even a small company runs into something you need an actual server for, and then you're suddenly spread across two clouds because Cloudflare is serverless or nothing.
yeah i don’t understand why clouflare isn’t competing head on with cloud providers. Imo they should acquire fly.io, give them a blank check and 2 years and I think they can take down aws.
The reason aws is dominant is because it’s the default and a known quantity. But developers and cost conscious organizations will look at alternatives. Not saying it would be easy but the prize would be huge. Plus AWS seems in chaos with a lack of sensible leadership.
It’s a JavaScript/node-like environment only right now no? I love it for my svelte site but it’s a massive limitation to be locked in based on language and request-response based constraints right now.
You need at the very least containers and persistent volumes to be interesting to me at least.
JS, TS, Python, and Rust are first class options, plus generic wasm:
Interesting choice to support Rust over Go if you ask me. Don't have numbers but I don't really peg Rust as a popular language for serverless web apps, certainly not to the extent of Go
Non-JS workers run via WASM, and Rust had WASM support before Go.
> and Rust are first class options, plus generic wasm
Rust is still a wasm target. Not everything easily works. It doesn’t have all the Cloudflare sdk features js/ts has either.
All of the JS features are available in Rust, but some don’t have a first-class SDK API yet and you must use wasm-bindgen.
I love Workers but they are not a panacea.
I really wanted to like Azure because of how well it integrated with the rest of my tools, but I kept getting hit with VM availability limitations and UX quirks. I've never had issues getting machines in AWS, or feeling like my actions were taking effect.
I've also waffled several times on the Azure FaaS offering. I am now firmly and irrevocably at "Don't use it. Run away. Quickly.". The experience around Azure Functions is just too weird to get comfortable with. Getting at logs or other binary artifacts is a gigantic pain in the ass. Running a self-contained .NET build on a blank windows/linux VM is so easy it doesn't make sense to get in bed with all this extra complexity.
Ugh, yes. Lack if availability of resources in whichever region i happen to need them.
Also, things that break automation, like calling back to say your sql server is up and running when in fact it’s not ready for another 20 minutes. I am half sure the terraform time_sleep was written specifically to counter azure problems.
You missed the perfect middle ground between serverless and mouse-configuring an IIS VM: Azure App Services. It's the same service function apps are using once they advance beyond the trivial function and require longer runtimes or no spinup delay.
App Services takes some getting used to, but it's a locked down Win Server/IIS container with built in FTPS, self-healing healthcheck endpoints, deployment by pointing to a repository, auto-scaling options, and a 99.95 SLA.
A few years back, it was a bit of a dog performance-wise, but the modern CPUs have been no problem for a 2+ vCPU, Premium level SKU. Pricier than a VM, but dealing with security and updates for a webserver VM is a ton of work.
App Services can also run as a Linux container, should you not want Windows.
But the Windows containers have more features. I stuck with them for quite a number of websites.
Significantly cheaper than a VM as you noted just based on maintenance that would otherwise be required.
Most of my complaints of Azure come down to the UI. So many head scratching moments and if you don't have a 4k monitor lot's of scrolling of menus inside of menus
I’m in the same boat. To me it’s bad UX. I can never find anything and it just looks way too complex to use. It shouldn’t be this way but as someone that uses Microsoft Entra, I guess I’m not surprised.
How do you find the price difference? Whenever I've done comparisons, they have always worked out significantly more expensive than AWS, and AWS is already pretty damn expensive for anything that requires a decent amount of compute.
Don’t most developers have ultrawide 4/8k monitors these days though?
Are you an Azure UI dev?
Not on laptops, which you'll be using if you are on call. It's even worse if you don't the eyes of a 20 something year old and have the text scaled up a bit.
"Most developers"
The world is a big place
And every single one is "Microsoft".
Last I tried to use Azure; it did not even offer domain registration. This was many years after launch - and not too long ago.
Not sure if this was an Australia/Oceania limitation - or just an ongoing product limitation.
My requirements weren’t complex. I needed to manage my domains (not AD), spin up virtual machines, and associate the two.
I also found the UI, overall; tedious. Finding the right offering under their ambiguously named services was difficult. And this comes from an AWS user.
I wanted to like Azure, but for very least reasons above; it’s not the product for me.
Did you want domain registration, or just DNS management? Those are two very different services. They offer the latter but not the former. So while you (generally) have to buy domains elsewhere, you can then manage them entirely within Azure after doing so.
I legitimately hate Azure and I don't normally hate software.
I'm curious why people pick Azure, if anyone here has direct experience with making the decision.
I work at a startup that runs on Azure, and we're only here because of Microsoft's monopolistic behavior. We switched because Microsoft gives Office 365 discounts to our customers as long as all the the SaaS services they use are hosted on Azure, and so our customers demanded we use Azure. Part of the monopoly playbook: "using a monopoly in one area to create a monopoly in another".
I used to work at GCP, and I thought it was almost shameful that we were in 3rd place behind Azure. Now it just makes me mad (especially since I had to migrate our startup from GCP to Azure).
Pretty similar reason, customers use Azure so the incentives are in place to run more things on Azure.
Case in point at work: we need to set up Azure infrastructure per-customer. Hitting the Azure RM endpoint from outside the Azure network is not reliable; the API endpoint's DNS record points to one of two IP addresses in westus, and when the DNS record flips (presumably for blue/green deployments) the no-longer-referenced IP address immediately aborts the connection. The official Azure Terraform provider throws an error when this happens and it usually results in Terraform state losing track of something that it already created. Azure support just says "well all we see is 200 OK from our side".
The "solution" is to run the Terraform workload from within Azure. The SLA is only really guaranteed if you're connecting to the Azure RM API from within Azure. Cue the insanity.
How does this work? Do they demand you to use Azure for your servers so they get a discount? Or do you have to create instances of your product in e.g. VMs that are put in their Azure account? Did you have to completeley leave every last bit of gcp behind? How is this checked by MS?
In my case, the company I work for isn’t a software company. The bean counters / IT group would rather just have something tacked onto their existing Microsoft subscription vs. something entirely different.
Also, I suspect part of the reason people are hesitant to use GCP because Google is perceived as a company that will gladly kill products off on a whim. Not great for something mission-critical.
Amazon competitors have strict policies against using SaaS products hosted on AWS and they generally default to Azure since its MS. In EMEA its GCP.
As Azure Ops person spearheading migration off AWS and another cloud, It's pretty funny. Some of it nitpicky, other is sharp edges I've cut myself on and some is Microsoft refuses to update required TF version because they are bending over backwards for compatibility reasons which is beyond frustrating.
However, all the comments about the Portal are baffling to me. AWS portal is just all over the place, I feel like people are expecting AWS awfulness and when portal wants to be consistent, it's breaking people brains.
Oh yea, Day 313 with Public IP to put into DNS. Alias record that you noob. :P
For what it’s worth, I’m a student, and have had the benefit of seeing both the AWS and Azure web interfaces for the first time in the past couple of years. Azure was astoundingly more intuitive and less bizarre than AWS as someone with no experience working with the big clouds.
Even doing classwork involving AWS was an exercise in frustration. I couldn’t actually believe the sort of button trails and on-hover menus I was told to use to access various functions.
I don’t have the experience to evaluate the technical functionality, or whether AWS’s interface is better for experienced users, but I can definitely say it was far less approachable as a novice.
I quite like Azure. Microsoft was also way more responsive than other cloud providers when we were looking to shift providers, we got free 3rd party consultation to setup our infrastructure in azure, it all ended up being more for less for us. It's all setup using infrastructure as code which is pretty maintainable and easy to add new stuff. Almost everything can be done via command line. Don't really use the portal UI to set anything up, but we do use it to look at the state of things. Haven't really had any problems with any of the services.
I’m running two k8s clusters with 6vcpus and 12 gb of memory each and when we got the quote from Azure it wasn’t pretty. The managed pg was a deal breaker for us. P.s.: side gig with 1qps on eu cluster and way less in US. P.P.S.: happy Digital Ocean customer
Azure runs the enterprise. AWS runs the Internet.
Is there somebody working with Azure devops? How do you find it?
I recently had to work with it and found it to be quite alright. Although my use cases didn't go beyond creating simple pipelines as examples.
Ah, most of b-guys are uncompetitive and make money by just being in already lucrative businesses. That's why there are solutions with Microsoft technologies.
this is rich....
Only 400?
i think azure is fine. it wouldn’t be my first choice and they have some questionable choices but its possible to circumvent them.
Azure has its issues, but this kind of extreme take is hardly useful. Any large-scale cloud provider has problems—AWS had its fair share of major outages too.
this is not about outages
Cloud computing is a never ending shit show no matter whose cloud you are on.
Except for OCI. Holy shit they are the worst.
Just earlier this week it was charging me for some mysterious "api management service" --- it was such a pain in the ass to cancel. I had no idea what it was about. I contacted support, got them to supposedly reverse the charges and reported the credit card as lost before the charges went through just in case. I just wanted a damn api key and couldn't for the life of me figure out how to find it (I work at a cloud computing company, I do this stuff for a living and I still couldn't figure it out).
It's an obtusely confusing interface with opaque pricing that you can just magically sign up for with innocent sounding names. It's like the dark pattern people from Intuit came on over for a house party and got drunk one night.
Does Azure's version of Github, Azure DevOps (ADO), still lack the ability to search pull requests?
it doesn't even support ed25519 ssh keys
Its hard to believe people got paid to build that hot garbage fire.
They built azure? I thought it's all just SharePoint :)
As a consultant who makes most of their money off of Microsoft technologies, I'm finding more and more reasons NOT to use Azure.
Chiefly among them is their famously bad support. Just google it- I've never spoken with anyone or seen a single written word saying that Azure support is even decent.
It's a race to the bottom platform, and I'm starting to get to the point where I want to start selling AWS.
Related to this, I find the Azure Subreddit terrible. Each critical question is punished with downvotes.
It's like this in a lot of subreddits dedicated to a particular product. The regulars are die-hard $product fans, and respond to perceived negativity just as you'd expect.
You should try /r/macos! ;-)
I've seen the 0 vote questions throughout many product and non-product specific subreddits. Bots or just reddit vote fuzzing?
I see this title and all I can think is, "There's only 400?" I am not impressed with Azure, I wish my company was using AWS, everything about AWS was much more reliable. The Azure Portal is not to be trusted, it can just lie to you at times.
Meh, as a developer who lived through the 2000-2010 era Microsoft, it’s easy to come up with a laundry list of reasons to hate on Azure.
But I tried Azure for my most recent startup because I was offended by AWS, and GCP did not have enough adoption among my customers, and Azure worked - fine.
What do you really need out of a cloud?
I want them to rent me VMs, for them to not go down, and to make it easy to do standard stuff like an object store, run containers, run databases, etc.
Azure was as good or better than AWS
I have used all the platforms personally and professionally. GCP, AWS, Azure, Oracle Cloud.
I will just say that Azure seems to want to do shit different for the sake of being different.
It is really annoying to write infrastructure as code for aws/gcp then go to do the same for azure and realize how dumb some of their stuff is.
Just my personal experience.
That’s how clouds try to lock you in, by making you use a custom tool that is different for the sake of being different.
If you use standard tools you don’t have this problem.
Containers running on VMs is standard.
A mesh of microservices that depend on cloud queues and managed services is not.
One argument against standard containers is saving dev time. You can still save dev time by using standard open source software. How many different ways are there to implement a queue or a load balancer?
If you really need access to some proprietary technology then by all means use the cloud that offers it. Eg if your customer demands GPT4.5, then go with Azure.
But if you need something standard, don’t get caught in the trap.
I am an older guy that was building kubernetes clusters before eks, aks, gke. So I used terraform to build shit out to make it happen. Azure was 5x the code just to be different. You can try to blame terraform but if you used MS custom tooling it was no different.
What about the way Terraform is a 3rd class citizen on Azure? And there are multiple ever-changing ways of doing everything, major parameters aren't supported, etc. It just makes it more difficult to deal with.
Also, Azure APIs are incredibly slow.
It’s Bicep
I'd rather avoid the trap. I use the 3 major CSPs, so I would prefer to use cross-platform tooling.
Per the parent:
>That’s how clouds try to lock you in, by making you use a custom tool that is different for the sake of being different.
> If you use standard tools you don’t have this problem.
> I will just say that Azure seems to want to do shit different for the sake of being different.
That's Microsoft's MO in a nutshell in my experience, and I say this as a recent(~5yrs ago) convert to Linux who built a career on Windows endpoints, servers, ADDS, Exchange, SCCM, you name it. It's how they achieve lock-in to their ecosystem, and it's incredibly frustrating to see how they've just layered that method of operation over and over again, decade after decade, rather than fix anything.
Fixing things is hard. Papering thing over with free Azure credits and marketing? This is the way.
Conversely, doing things "the same way" as AWS would mean copying their first-generation public cloud design flaws.
The overall UX of AWS is absolutely crazy. It's easy to "lose" a resource... in there... somewhere... in one of the many portals, in some region, costing you money! Meanwhile, Azure shows you a single pane of glass across all resource types in all regions. It's also fairly trivial to query across all subscriptions (equivalent to AWS accounts).
Similarly, AWS insists on peppering their UI with random-looking internal identifiers. These are meaningless and not sortable in any useful way.
Azure in comparison allows users to specify grouping by "english" resource group names and then resources within them also have user-specified names. The only random identifiers are the Subscription GUIDs, but even those have user-assignable display name aliases.
The unified Portal and scripting experience of Azure Resource Manager is a true "second generation" public cloud, and is much closer to the experience of using Kubernetes, which is also a "second gen" system developed out of Borg. E.g.: In K8s you also get a single-pane-of glass, human-named namespaces (=resource groups), human-named workloads, etc...
A single pane of glass that shows all your resources that are currently choking due to hidden limitations is no flex over AWS. It is my hope I never have to use Azure ever again professionally or otherwise
this killed me. i dont think AWS does everything well... but Azure went hard on being different just to be different..
like region names...
> What do you really need out of a cloud?
I need a cloud to be reliable and secure. I've used Azure extensively and it's neither. I'll take GCP or AWS over Azure any day.
This. We've used GCP Appengine for years and it is rock solid. Their SRE game is top level, and when there is an outage, they do a serious investigation and make it fully public, even if they screwed up badly. Including the vital "this is how we're going to stop this ever happening again". The last outage (that we noticed) was several years ago.
Azure tend to bite back when they upgrade their backend and everything breaks
Happened twice with my kubernetes deportment, first something with node groups made them incompatible and had to recreate the cluster from scratch, then one of their scripts to rotate key access to volumes (that one has to run manually, go figure) stopped working and caused my volumes to detach from pods, and has to recreate the cluster again, and I just give up.
I was super happy as well, the first two years. By years six I was fully migrated out.
The UX not being designed by business majors.
You won't find that in major cloud providers.
I need it to be sane, to work and to be reasonably well documented.
Azure ostensibly fails outright on points 1 and 3, and limps by on 2.
The products are confusing mess, there’s way too many ways to auth things, docs are garbage, tried multiple times to manage stuff via Terraform which broke far too much to be excusable, to say nothing of the dumpster fire that is their UX.
I’m sure some people have either beaten it into submission, or have stockholmed themselves into putting it up with it.
Why were you offended by AWS?
I got into a fight with them kind of like Trump and Zelensky just did. Not a technical reason.
Sometimes in business the deal falls through
I was on the receiving end and didn’t appreciate it.
Asking: Okay, clearly there are a lot of people here with lots of experience running their software on cloud services from Microsoft, Amazon, Google, etc. Good.
But what about a solo founder running their Web site on a "full tower" computer they plugged together themselves?
So, why use a cloud server farm with its expense and complexity?
Or, get a mother board, a processor with 16 cores and a 4+ GHz clock, 128 GB of main memory, some rotating and/or solid state disks for a total of 20 TB or so, some external disks for backup, a recent copy of Windows Server, applications software from .NET, and a 1 Gbps Internet connection?? The computer -- tower case, power supply, motherboard, processor, disk, solid state disks, and Windows Server -- costs ~$3000?
So, a 1 Gbps Internet connection, ~$100 a month, would have capacity of, say, 100 MBps. If sending a Web page with 200 KB, then the peak capacity would be
Then 500 pages a second with 5 ads per page with revenue of, say, $2 per thousand ads sent (CPM), that would be at peak capacity or maybe an average of half that for $2.50/second.Then at 16 hours a day that would be revenue of
For the electric power, at 200 W and $0.10/KWh, that would be How many users?With peak capacity of 500 pages a second and average of half that, 250 pages a second, for 16 hours a day, that would be
pages a month. If on average send 5 pages per user, that would be users per month.If users come on average 2 times a week that would be 8 times a month or
from one tower case and some Web page software.So, why use a cloud server farm with its expense and complexity?
Because backups.
Because the constant attacks you’ll be under from china/russia that start 5 minutes after your servers are live.
Because as a solo founder you should be hammering on new features not putting out sysadmin fires.
I am happy to give AWS $200 a month to look after all that crap.
If you have the skills, and the bottom line is still positive (include opportunity costs and personnel costs, ease of getting SOC2 / ISO certification if that's relevant to you, ease of scaling up and down), then you should go for other solutions.
I advice CEOs of SMEs on this, and I can tell you that the main concern they have is availability of people to build and maintain the systems. Because cloud / k8s is more popular these days, that's what they go for. If we could reliably find smart system operators that will happily maintain a couple of racks of servers for years, it would be a more viable option.
Where’s the firewall? Reverse proxy? SSL certificate management? High availability? Patch management? SCM? Central logging and alerting?
As someone who ran many IIS boxes since IIS 4, I greatly prefer Azure websites over having to worry about all the “other stuff” that comes with onprem. Yes, the cloud needs an RP, WAF, etc, but they’re always HA and simple services, not another box to maintain.
Careful, anytime the topic of self-hosting comes up, you will see a bunch of engineers crawl out of the woodwork to insist only the cloud can handle the complexity.
Because there was literally no internet before AWS. It just didn't exist. It's a story we made up.
Redundancy and failover capability, mostly (in terms of everything.... power, network, storage, compute.) For a hobby project, what you describe is probably fine. For a real business, do you want to tell customers you're down because your one computer shit the bed and you have to run to Best Buy to get a new motherboard?
> For a hobby project, what you describe is probably fine.
Thanks! Yup, it will be "a hobby project" until, if ever, it gets some users and revenue. Then, have several servers, some load balancing and redundancy, uninterruptible power with a generator outdoors on a concrete slab, contact Cloudflair or some such and have them do what is needed, etc.
Just looked up SSL, reverse proxies, firewalls, etc. Okay.
Because you might need 20,000 of those "servers" immediately, and not have the up front capital to for an investment like that. And maybe it doesn't work out and you just needed those servers for 2yrs vs $your_depreciation rate
And you'd need about 19,997 less of those servers if you got rid of all the scummy adtech infrastructure you're implementing and just focused on the core product. Unless your core product is ads and marketing data, in which case boil those oceans so that you'll be able to show mattress ads to someone that's 0.3% more likely to be influenced to buy a new mattress when they buy a pack of gum if they're running dark mode and have a Mac but use an Android phone and are located within 217 miles of Arkabutla, but only if it's raining.
I don't see colocation charges in there, unless you were planning on running your 'server' out of your house on a residential internet connection (that probably has restrictions on acceptable use.)
By the time you spec out a real server (redundant power, higher quality components than Newegg stuff), rent some space in a rack, pay for bandwidth (50Mbps is going to be about it without paying a premium), you're going to be looking at $5000 + $300/m. All that effort, whereas you could spin up something in the cloud for a bit more per month.
This does flip quickly, however. Once you get into the high 5-figure monthly spend, running your own hardware makes sense again. DHH's blog posts on 'Leaving the Cloud' are a great read.
> you're going to be looking at $5000 + $300/m
I looked at Hetzner's $150/m for dedicated Xeon server with 1Gbps.
If your stuff can fit on a single server at home, and are comfortable managing it, by all means do! It’s definitely way WAY cheaper, and if budget matters, that’s great. Nothing wrong with that IMHO. Obviously you can’t 100x overnight, but that’s realistically not gonna happen. And if it does, then you can start to migrate, which probably won’t be that hard, because it’s just impossible to make a single machine anywhere near as complicated as a cloud setup.
For small orgs: global reach!
If you need an active component near your customers for low latency responses, the cloud makes it very cheap to deploy tiny VMs or small containers all over the place. It’s trivial to template this out, scale up and down for follow-the-sun or to account for local traffic spikes.
If you need it, you need it, and nothing else meets this need except perhaps some CDNs with “edge compute” capabilities — however those are quite limited.
I can’t believe the DoD even considered to pick them for JEDI
"Azure’s Security Vulnerabilities Are Out of Control" - https://www.lastweekinaws.com/blog/azures_vulnerabilities_ar...
The great thing about Azure is not the security it's the reports about how you are secure. The later is legally required the former is only visible experts.
Still old same...
Azure ≈ Klout