Nit! It’s a bit more historically accurate to say that MultiPaxos/Raft are later variants of VSR since Brian Oki’s VSR predated Paxos by a year (‘88 vs ‘89) and Liskov and Cowling’s revision of Brian’s work in 2012 predated Raft by two years (the papers are remarkably similar, but Raft makes concessions for the sake of presentation).
There were some great talks. The chat was satisfying. I like Zulip and have some experience with it so it was easy to navigate for me. It does take some getting used to though; a tips or FAQ would probably help a lot of folks.
the reason I didn't attend / pay this time btw was because last time the talks were more about the "user-end of databases" and I mostly work in product and design; this time it was about more low-level stuff which is out of my scope. It's still cool stuff! But just outside of my focus / realm
You can either do it through the Stripe dashboard by creating a Payment Link with a "Customer chooses what to pay" type or through the API (see
My favorite talk (although I haven't gotten through them all yet) was Alex Miller's Enough with all the Raft
I wonder how TigerBeetle fits in this mental framework for OLTP replication.
TigerBeetle uses VSR, which is basically a variant of MultiPaxos/Raft.
Nit! It’s a bit more historically accurate to say that MultiPaxos/Raft are later variants of VSR since Brian Oki’s VSR predated Paxos by a year (‘88 vs ‘89) and Liskov and Cowling’s revision of Brian’s work in 2012 predated Raft by two years (the papers are remarkably similar, but Raft makes concessions for the sake of presentation).
Worth mentioning that all the talks are published at
There were some great talks. The chat was satisfying. I like Zulip and have some experience with it so it was easy to navigate for me. It does take some getting used to though; a tips or FAQ would probably help a lot of folks.
The concept and branding are great.
If another one ends up happening I’d do it again.
Feels strange to have posted exactly the same thing and gotten exactly zero traction.
Really glad this event exists. I didn't know about it ahead of time, so some amount of Marketing sounds sensible.
the reason I didn't attend / pay this time btw was because last time the talks were more about the "user-end of databases" and I mostly work in product and design; this time it was about more low-level stuff which is out of my scope. It's still cool stuff! But just outside of my focus / realm
> but now stripe supports pay-what-you-want directly (the docs say that they don't, but the docs are wrong)
Does anyone have links / suggestions on how to set this up?
You can either do it through the Stripe dashboard by creating a Payment Link with a "Customer chooses what to pay" type or through the API (see