
...joined 17 years ago, and has 187 karma

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Technologist, computer scientist, explorer, and coffee aficionado.

Currently: Founder @ Sightglass AI, AI-powered automations for back-office workflows.


* founding team, chief data guy @ insurance startup

* manager & turning coffee into code @ NLP machine learning startup).

* founder, CTO @ sustainability startup

Before That:

* Machine Learning Ph.D Student @ UC San Diego.

* Graduate Student Researcher on a National Geographic Expedition.

* 3 time Yahoo! Hackathon winner. Global Hackathon Finalist.

[ my public key: https://keybase.io/a5huynh; my proof: https://keybase.io/a5huynh/sigs/Df-98a5Ya5JkscNzgBwy5xxR-P6vhb8Rf6aM4zhr7y4 ]