
...joined 13 years ago, and has 176 karma

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I am currently self-employed as a copyriting consultant by day in healthcare, technology and ecommerce (50% of my time) plus landscaper and snowbird home checker / snow shoveller (the other 50%). The mix of desk work and physical work outside is ideal for me. Over a spotty 'career' made spottier by ADHD diagnosed at age 42 I have acquired an eclectic array of knowlege and skills due to insatiable curiousity and a drive to research/learn/explore/try. Working fully remotely at home with a wife and a toddler is an interesting experience to say the least. Outside of work and family responsibilities I am a hobbyist DJ, multi-instrumentalist (was a jazz drummer in high school, guitar/bass/vocals for 25 years) and amateur gold prospector / gold panner with a passion for the outdoors.