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Kristopher Wayton

Lake Dallas, Texas

Sales industry professional, with varied technical interests including sports analytics. Even though I'm not as technical as the typical person on this site, I really enjoy learning from it. I'd recommend other people that aren't full-time in the software world spend some time's a well managed site, and there's plenty of stories to contribute to.

I have a Recreational Sports Event Management Degree from the University of North Texas (UNT) in Denton, TX. I sell cars for a living now, but certainly event management and my side expertise related to analytics helps out there.

Some quotes that have stuck with me:

"Yale, economics and're funny Pete." - Moneyball. I really loved this movie.

"Baseball fans are junkies, and their heroin is the statistic." - Robert S. Weider in In Praise of the Second Season (1981)

"Getting diligent about tracking your own statistics isn’t the sexiest solution in the world, but it is perhaps the best one. You’ll quickly start seeing trends emerge, and will highlight the areas you need to focus on the most." - Mark Broadie, Columbia Business School professor and author of Every Shot Counts.

Comments are my own.

Email me: Kristopher.Wayton "at" outlook dot com.

Other contact info: Kristopher Perri Wayton