
...joined 8 years ago, and has 216 karma

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Cypherpunk Crypto Anarchist believing in de-centralized, non-custodial, trustless and truly anonymous services that help separate money and state. Satoshi nakamoto is trying to save the world. haskell, ocaml, golang, rust, functools -python, erlang, elixir, sql

keywords: haskell, erlang, elixir, otp, pattern matching, concurrency, stm, message-passing, fp, monads, functors, type-classses, lazy, applicativeDo, streamly, parmonad, async, ocaml, quant, compilers, zen, merkle, bitcoin, xmr, cron, rkt, racket, grenade,weka,hlearn, dao, da*, crypto, gpg, distrubuted, de-centralized, trustless, anonymous, autonomous, libertarian, algorithms, data-structures, surrealism, meditation, yoga, crypto-ownership, cypherpunk, Crypto-anarchy, Cyber-states, Pirate-utopias, proof-of-work, way of tea

email: noloblonoloblo at gmail dot com

bitcoin: 1KQNb23JoQP83exLyxSGQ3zGoXZnMn3k2S