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The talent marketplace is broken.

The demand for designers & developers has never been higher. FAANGs are throwing insane offers at top talent. And all that’s left for many startups is scraps: boot camp grads & budget agencies.

That scarcity is not a new phenomenon. When I left Google in 2015 to start freelancing, I charged $300 an hour for design & development work.

Was I just that good?

The truth is, people paid $300, not because I produced value at that rate, but because I was paying $3K in Brooklyn rent. Not because I was worth $250K+ a year, but because Google was paying me that without blinking an eye.

If you're going to compete, you need to find another way to scale your team than so-called 10X freelancers.

I'm James Knight, cofounder and Chief Nerd at No Nerds No Problem.

In 2021, we created Nerds-as-a-Service to help startups like yours scale with top-notch talent from across the globe. Since then, we’ve built a team of 20+ world-class Product, Design, and Development Nerds, blending onshore leadership with nearshore execution. A team that’s waiting to help you delight your customers with new features, blow through your growth targets, and impress your investors along the way.

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