justfix17 4 hours ago

So I guess there is no return to office for appointees.

adamnemecek 4 hours ago

Makes sense, he’s probably committing a lot of crimes so he can investigate that from home.

IntelMiner 4 hours ago

Uh oh. He's going to butt heads with president Ketamine over that one

benatkin 4 hours ago

> allegations of running a “bait and switch” scheme in his time-shares

UNIX time sharing system is the only nice time-share I've ever heard of, so I struggle to even think of a timeshare that's a bad deal as a bait and switch...

glass_door 4 hours ago


  • defrost 4 hours ago

    Which component do you want to bet is fake?

    * Kash Patel [..] wants to live part-time in Las Vegas and work remotely, far away from FBI headquarters in Washington.

    * Kash Patel lives at a home owned by Michael Muldoon, they took a golf trip together to Scotland when Patel was a federal employee on the National Security Council, which could be an ethics violation.

    * ??

  • aurareturn 4 hours ago

    Should stay. HN has a very strong opinion on WFH regardless of politics.

blharr 4 hours ago

> It seems that the appearance of corruption is not a barrier to working in the Trump administration

Maybe they're using litotes here, but it seems that kind of corruption is actively being sought out.

  • orwin 2 hours ago

    I've heard somewhere that the ex-CEO of the healthcare company that committed the biggest healthcare fraud in US history (and was paid tens on millions for doing it) is employed by the whitehouse, is that true? Because if it is, they should look at him and his company first.

  • xnx 4 hours ago

    I heard someone refer to Trump's cabinet as a Suicide Squad, a deliberate collection of the worst people.

    • kcplate 4 hours ago

      Well in the movies they were successful…